Comment history

stoner says...

I worked in the Bahamas and ran a bank.God help your country if you close all Canadaian banks and open banks owned and run by Bahamians.All one have to do is look at what happened to fully owned Bahamain banks in the past. They all went bankrupt/closed due to fraud/ unpreforming loans and major write down/off of bad loans mainly granted to Bahamians
Bahamians just don't have the capital/expertise/support to run a local bank plus in addition
many Bahamians would want favorable considerable in services and specially the granting
of loans, business or consumer.Personally, my experience has been that if you make an unsecured loans to Bahamians, it is a Bad Debt from the outset. Good luck if the Govt decide to move in this direction.Mr Gomez seemed to be talking like he understands the banking system.In my opinion, he has a lot to learn about banking in the Bahamas before moving forward in any direction of Bahamian owned banks.If Canadian banks are closed, good luck on the future of Banking in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.Cash Machines and on line banking to include direct deposit is the way of the present and future.

stoner says...

Nygard is the best thing that ever happened to the Bahamas. He is rich and wealthy and
made his fortune working hard and never stole a cent. The only problem is that he is honest
except moving some sand and a little coral from the Ocean. my! oh! my! Look who is calling the Kettle black so to speak but no punt intended.He never stole his money and worked hard
for it. The removal of sand from parts of Lyford Cay?? What a joke.The Bahamians have been destroying the Island for years Just look at piles the Conch shells and the damage they have done.
Look what is happening to the island at the moment, it is been poisoned with the burning of garbage from the dump and the Govt has done nothing. Then why on poor helpless Nynard
who is old and always paid his way and then some.
how can you expect people to come and invest in your country?
with crime out of control and getting worst.foxhill prison must be full to capacity.

stoner says...

Go direct deposit my friend and pay everything by debit card or Credit Card. You don't need a service bank in your community. All you need is a Bank machine that can be serviced by a private company. Banks branches are closing at an alarming rate and this is happening all across the Americas.The local branch is not profitable and always lose money for the institution. Deposit your pension check direct and all you need is a debit card issued by the bank or many other institutions.

stoner says...

The Govt and the people of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas is getting another mouthful
from Creditors who were working on the Baha Mar Project and Casino on Cable Beach.This
is of great concern to individuals and Companies who will be asked to do business in that Country in the future. They were not treated fairly and will look at this settlement as fraudulent
in the eyes of the Bahamian Law. The Bahamian Contractors getting 100% on the $ is just
unfair in the eyes of law in any civilized County in the World.Good luck on future/foreign contractors who are asked to build/construct in your Commonwealth.
It was always my opinion that the Bahamas operated under the Law established under the
English Common Law system and is upheld by all civilized Countries in the World except
France and the Province of Quebec in Canada who uphold a different statues of law.

stoner says...

The problem with the Bahamian people is that they forget very quickly.They have a high rate
of crime and it is getting worst. Guns and drugs and mostly criminals who control the streets give the tourist a hard time. They must not forget Cuba is a beautiful country with no Crime at all and willing to assist and not demand to spend.I have live in both countries and no first well that Bahamas will lose big time unless the Police bring the Crime under control.I have been to many islands in the Bahamas and it is beautiful by nature like they say in the
T & C Provinciales and that small little piece of rock is slowly losing their tourists also due to CRIME. Just this week the former Prime Minister was shot on the beach in Grace Bay and robbed. They are criminals and getting control of everyone.Who in hell wants to go to place
like this. Yes, go to cuba where it is safe.

stoner says...

Personally, it is my strong opinion that the local QC is correct in that there is hate towards
white people and not just any outsiders in general. The local population is off the strong opinion that hey are taking away their jobs.They look at all white as inferior to them. This is correct in many ways because the locals are uneducated and unskilled and can't perform the jobs that foreigins do. They just don't have the skills.It is very angry for locals to look at and I agree. They want the other man's job and salary but can't perform due to lack of skills.Personally they should still be working in the sugar cane fields or harvesting cane or
working for a plantation owner.I worked there in Nassau and they all wanted your job for the money that you made and not your job because they were not qualified. It is sad and personally I blame on the Govt.They have been in power for thirty three years since independants and still can,t see it.Wake up for god's sake and forget about smelling the roses and help the general population.

stoner says...

Personally in my strong opinion the Prime Minister did and the most applicable agreement under the circumstances that he was facing.The hotel was closed, Companies and individuals were owed millions and layoffs were numerous.Hotel staff were unemployed and not paid and no one else expressed an interest.What a way go Mr.Prime Minister. You did an excellent job in getting the hotel and casino back on track.

stoner says...

I heard the news that a young woman from Quebec was charged with having sex with a minor
and under sixteen in the Bahamas. Miss good luck to you. You are white and will be charged in someway.However, if they had to arrest and charge locals with rape or having sex with a minor,the Courts and jails would be full 24/7.However, this is not the case and it is never
reported.Most of the men in Nassau consider it normal to have sex with young men and girls
under the age of 15. and even twelve. It has been going on for many years. I remember one member of the House got up and said that it is nothing wrong with having sex with someone under 15. Good luck to the lady from Quebec and no justice will be done.

stoner says...

It is going to get worst not much Better. The Central Bank has the power and does nothing to control the borrowing for the locals.The crime and poor among the locals are getting out of control and has been since 1972.Your country kicked most of the expats and a lot of the British out after independence and thought you could run a Country on your own. The majority could run an outhouse let known a Govt. Education is needed and not what is thought in schools in the Bahamas. It is just basic education with grade X1 in Nassau equal to a grade four or five in most industrial countries.You have up grade the education system and not with the present day programs.Education is also part of family planning. There were cases where six of my employees under the age of twenty had two kids each and did not no who the father was and had no support while their Mom looked after the kids. What a life??Education early and enforced by Govt and the Family planning dept in Govt if their is one. Otherwise ,it will get worst and not better.A suggestion to have your tubes tied is not the way to go.Planning and education of family s for the Govt to education right at the beginning.

stoner says...

It is only going to get worst in your land. When Cuba opens up to U S Tourist,your Country
will be in very bad condition and it is getting worst by the day. Crime is out of control while there is no crime in Cuba. Just look at how many murders this year over 110.
It is going back to the year after your Country gained Independence from Britain. That was a year after 1973 and I was there. I say bring back the death penalty and hang them high at Fox Hill Prison. Guns ,drugs and murders are out of control. The Prime Minister and his cabinet
can't control it and it will get worst before it gets better. God will not help these criminals.
Nassau and the surrounding islands are truly beautiful and i have visited them including Stanial Cay Yatch Club. The Govt has to bring in a strict LAW NOW before it is too late or maybe it is too late already.What a way to spoil a beautiful Country. Even the Cruise ships
will not authorize their passengers to go along Bay Street.