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sunnyday says...

B Rufa is not an investor he bought a unit at CB with his partner Sandra Georgio for 80K , That's it . It's time that all those "Investors at CB" understand the Bahamian Laws ! Like Sandra keep saying at CB , quote : -" If you don't like it here at CB , GO !!". Now it's time for her to GO , if she doesn't like the Government . Those Visitors cannot dictate their laws in the Country like they do at CB . Miss Nancy Salvisburg , if you don't like it ... you can Go too , instead of giving orders to employees , this is called working !!!!! You suppose to give orders to the GM not doing her job !!

On QC fears Freeport 2nd home ‘exodus’

Posted 12 February 2016, 6:36 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

B. Rufa is dragging down CB Owners and Fred Smith is saying hilarious stories , it seems that they want Coral Beach going bankrupt.... who is the force behind ? Is Mario Donato waiting in the bush? This story is not what Rufa and his lawyer are saying in the media

On QC fears Freeport 2nd home ‘exodus’

Posted 12 February 2016, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

And who is getting the big money from the Owners at CB ???? Mr Fred Smith of course !! I understand why he is fighting so desperately for B Rufa !!!

On QC fears Freeport 2nd home ‘exodus’

Posted 12 February 2016, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

There is no country in the world that allows visitors have acted as they did, insulting the government. If they are not happy with this government that they stay in their country, it is absolutely disgusting. They are invited, they must accept the laws of the Bahamas, nobody force them to come here !! Go Home !!
Mr Smith using them to make a lot of money Coral Beach Hotel is a Gold Mine for him !!!!

On QC fears Freeport 2nd home ‘exodus’

Posted 12 February 2016, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

sunnyday says...

This is all Bull.... , Mr Rufa is a big offender of Human Rights . This is nothing but a Mascarade to Support F. Smith political Agenda at the expense of Coral Beach Hotel Owners. Law abiding foreign owners has nothing to fear !!! Mr Rufa doesn't respect Bahamian Law this is why he is in trouble. Don't mix decent people with Mr Rufa !!!

sunnyday says...

The Government doesn't have finacial resources to entertain Mr Rufa and his Lawyer Mr Smith at the expenses of the taxes payers.

sunnyday says...

Dear Economist, I will not argue the subjunctive : IF . Mr Rufa is NOT a Bahamian, he got caught and charged for working illegally , this is an Immigration Matter . I just add some "corporate misdeed" to show that he is not who he is pretending to be . He is in Court for the other matters. Bahamas doesn't need people like him .

sunnyday says...

Mr Rufa is a good example why the Amendment should be voted. He is a tourist not an Investor , he owns only half of one bedroom ($40,000) he has no business or investment here .He is abusing Bahamians and Government by using the Court for his own interest . He is abusing the Owners at Coral Beach Hotel by using their money without let them know and without their approval to pay Mr Fred Smith 's Legal Fees

sunnyday says...

If the place is burning to the ground this 30% won't be bothered. Even the BOD can't get the 30% to be bothered. They tried to amend the articles a few times but could not get 75% of the votes. My point is the deciding 15% proxy votes sent to the office could make the difference.

sunnyday says...

Damn those "detractors" treating this paragon of virtue so unfairly. It is so unjust Mr. Rufa just wants to be treated as he treats others...........!