Comment history

sunnyday says...

It seems that your past BOD was not ruthless. They could have simply change the format of the proxies and render all of your hard earned proxies useless, after all the BOD are the ones who control the proxies. this is the kind of tactics that Mr Rufa used at Coral Beach. over the past ten years every candidate that ran against the BOD, had either their power turned off, Guests evicted or forced to sell and go, or suffered some kind of abuse.

The company operating a Hotel ,Restaurant and Bar . Coral Beach has 272 units.
30% of the owners just can't be bothered.15% is owned by one Board Member. another 15% don't want to get involved but send their proxies to the office. The BOD has 15% support. 25% don't support the BOD.
When you tally the numbers the BOD has 45% overall support. The deciding factor is the 15% proxy votes sent to the office. The BOD control the proxy votes by not allowing the opposition candidate's names on the proxies, only Board members names are sent out on the proxies to all shareholders. Before Bruno Rufa and his BOD took over , all candidate's names were on the proxies . Opposition candidates can only run from the floor at the AGM which makes it impossible to win.

sunnyday says...

How many owners in your condo association? Were the Board Members prior to your group taking over, decent people? How did they react when they found out your group was gathering proxies? Did you find any wrong doings after your group took over the association? Did you victimized any of the past Board members? Did your group conduct the affairs of the association with integrity after you gained control? Was any member of your group charged with a criminal offense? The President of Coral Beach condo association got arrested, charged in court, never informed the owners that he was arrested and charged, spent $300K of the owners money on his legal defense. The owners found out via local news media. Don't you agree that something is wrong with this picture?

sunnyday says...

At least these amendments will keep the Foreign Dictators out of The Bahamas ,who abuse Bahamians . Step by step. Don't you think so Mr "Economist "?.

sunnyday says...

Excerpt from Minister Mitchel's proposition to the House of Assembly on 21 December 2015.

What is the Department of Immigration to do where the following obtains?
Someone is landed as a tourist and has no work permit;
That someone violates continually the immigration laws on the basis that he or she owns property here;
That someone boasts that he or she has immigration in their back pockets up to the highest level and will he or she go nowhere no matter what is done by officials and will use the court system to outstay the present political administration in power;
That someone continually verbally abuses and threatens Bahamians and makes racist remarks about them and politically charged remarks about the country and its officials.
In these circumstances when complaints are made to the Department what should the response of the Department of Immigration do?
Under the existing way of operation, an individual can be given a choice to be formally deported or to be invited to leave the country voluntarily. The latter choice is often preferred because it at least preserves the possibility of a return to The Bahamas. In the former scenario, the individual is automatically restricted from returning to The Bahamas.
Mr. Speaker, I say no more at this stage and I leave the Bahamian public to consider this further and particularly the people of Grand Bahama.
We will continue to act according to law.

sunnyday says...

one does not apply for an illegal liquor license, one does apply for a liquor license illegally by providing false information and perjuring yourself.

sunnyday says...

Fred Smith found the perfect Jackass in Bruno Rufa to finance and advance his political agenda. Had Fred Smith not defended and secured the illegal liquor license to operate the bar at coral beach, Bruno Rufa would not be in this mess.
Rufa is dragging the condo association into bankruptcy with legal fees, over $300K spent already, owners are putting their apartments up for sale.

sunnyday says...

Drag him to court ? No , drag him out of the country !!! You will go to bed with the devil to support F S

sunnyday says...

Oh NO !! This is not Fiction ! Unfortunately for the Owners at Coral Beach Hotel . His BOD is in Court for Oppression of the Minority . Example of Oppression :Quote :- " My wife and children as well as sister rented a condo at coral beach. My mother and father who is a dentist rented another one. We were never ask to provide a police report or letter of recommendation from a clergy Dr or leader of community. My elderly parents where ask to shortly before leaving. Since my father is a Oral surgeon they did not obtain this. After they arrived electricity was turned off in the condo they rented. I frantically had to find another place for them at island seas. Mr Bruno Rufa had the electric shut off. It seems there are different policy's for different owners.i believe Mr Bruno Rufa is a detriment to the tourism of such a wonderful country as Bahamas and should be evicted as he is a stain to your great nation. "

sunnyday says...

Fred Mitchel is cleaning the Country !!! Bravo Mr Mitchel !!