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superUser says...

You sir sound a little psychotic - so what about the Bahamian youth (15-19 years old) who swim off the shore of homes - and who always go up on the property, sometimes just to urinate or defecate, or even to use their swimming pool, or just to jump off their docks, or to take a short cut through the property? You would say it's okay for the home owner to just open fire on them? Remember the home owner does not know who they are, they could be robbing their home for all they know, or raping their Haitian gardener out back in the shed.

On Leslie Miller uses shotgun at store site

Posted 3 August 2013, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Not just that, the material they are learning today is much easier than it was years ago also - we are now "educating" dummies just to become a little less dumb - but in the end, they are still dummies. It's amazing that with all the "smart phones" Bahamians use, the majority of Bahamians are still dumb as a door nail - and I am talking primarily about the youth of today, but that said there are still some smart youth and I wish them well because THEY are the real Bahamian heros. Eg. the 20 year old Store manager, and there are many more examples.

On Leslie Miller uses shotgun at store site

Posted 3 August 2013, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

I agree, in fact look at the families (screaming babies included) today (Saturday) setup on the side of the road illegally, selling drinks and other items.

superUser says...

True, but home invasions do happen in the US very frequently.
I can thankfully say neither I nor anyone I know here have ever had their home "invaded", but ofcourse there is first time for everything.

12-14 years ago I personally was victim of several violent crimes spanning over a few years - meanwhile people rubbed it off as the rare occurrence. the difference between then and now is not just the increased crime rate, but news media also did not report crimes as much as they do now. So it wasn't rare, it happened alot but they just did not hear about it, and it hadn't happened to them - yet.

Also I would question where this house is (Cable Beach is not what it used to be), and who the landlord is.
Also, what kind of home security it has in place.
Many landlords of Short term rentals tend to go cheap on securing the home properly.

superUser says...

-Rose patterned sheet that can be bought locally by anybody at any store?

-The accused DNA was in the trash also, so it is probable that it also could have gotten on the body or clothing just from being in the trash.

-Circumstantial evidence is just that, it is NOT damning - the case against him would have been thrown out in any first world country, perhaps his lawyer just sucked that bad or the jurors made up their mind already.

-As a law abiding citizen, I would have let the police handle it. Unless my life is in danger I do not have the legal or moral right to attack anyone else - was she "defending" her life against the spit which was already, spat?

The evidence was weak, police work was sloppy, parents called their kid a "sacrifice" and cited "God". It is amazing the case actually made it this far.

It seems very easy in the Bahamas to frame another person for murder, and for that person to get the death penalty. Everybody in the Bahamas better start locking down their trash, since it seems that is all it takes, and in other cases all it takes is hearsay.

Regarding the Death Penalty, The Brits will never allow that.
It is time we released ourselves from the British Privy Council, they cannot handle their own country yet they try to dictate to us.

superUser says...

Store manager at aged 20 - at least some of today's youth are doing something right.
Congratulations sir.

superUser says...

I agree with some of that, but with the type of parents many kids have today, they are not taught right from wrong, they are not being educated at home about how to act properly in a civilized society. Many grow up thinking what is yours is mine, that wrong is right, or in some cases, that if you go to church then that makes everything you did wrong outside of church, right. Its nothing to do with a single parent family, it's just that if they had at least one parent with half a brain then it would help.

superUser says...

Just roadblocks in the West??

Look, Nassau is lawless, there is very little enforcement of laws here. Criminals roam the streets day and night, and many that call others criminals are criminals themselves.

Perhaps to even begin to fix the problem, first we ALL need to look in the mirror before we lay down to sleep and ask ourselves - have we partaken in criminal activity today? Did we break the law today, and yesterday, or the day before and so on so forth? Well, have you?

A major problem here is that most Bahamians are ignorant to the law, they break the law daily but do not know it, or do not count that as a law worth abiding by - then they pass judgement on criminals partaking in other crimes.

Maybe the other criminals just see these criminals breaking the law, and then think hey why not me. Even the smallest crimes must be punished, otherwise we are never EVER going to stop the violent more extreme crime - it will only get worse.

Bottom line - society is to blame.

superUser says...

This type of crime doesn't happen in the US??

superUser says...

Crime grew immensely under the previous government, the Wutless FNM.
The FNM were in power for the past 15 of 20 years - so they take a majority of any blame someone might want to throw at either of the two political clowns. And yes, government could help to prevent much of the violent crime, and they don't - for one thing they could stop the radio stations playing murderer music all day long - this started under the previous administration which, wait for it, was FNM. I would love to see some leadership like that of the FNM 15 years ago, when they banned playing murderer music in public - violent crime DID go down, back then. Now they just want to appease everyone, they just do not care anymore, it is just about votes now, and how much crap they can say to each other on channel 40.