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superUser says...

So lets get this straight:

-They are not even 100% certain that the body is who they think it is.

-There was other unknown DNA on the clothes/body but they never checked the parents DNA.

-The clothes and body were found in trash around a condominium - more than 1 occupant and not gated I presume?

-DNA from the accused was found on the clothes/body in the trash (his DNA would be in the trash anyway)

-The judge says the case against the accused is "circumstantial"

-A juror physically attacked the accused, and was not arrested?

-The parents say this is divine intervention from god

Wow, yes it sounds like a pretty solid case with level-headed jurors.

He must be guilty.

superUser says...

What type of gun License does he have?

If its a Hunting license only, then he certainly should be locked up for taking that gun out of its gun safe and loading it, then firing it in public - around police officers no less. What does he think this is, the US where in many cases you are allowed to own a gun to protect your life and property? Sorry to disappoint him, but this is the Bahamas. And even in the US you cant just kill someone for stealing.

If its a special license for self defense (as guns for self defense are otherwise illegal in the Bahamas), then unlike what someone else said, NO you need no special training and there are no mental health checks - getting a gun license for other than hunting in the Bahamas is about who you know. And its NOT about who you are, as I know of people who were in high positions and had death threats and applied for gun licenses and were denied. And Yes they CAN get training, but they are not required to get training. Judges for example are given hand guns and the cops go around to clean them for them - these people carry loaded weapons but cant even clean them themselves.

Anyway, like others said even the cops should know they cannot fire weapons at fleeing criminals, at least not unless their life is being threatened at the time by the fleeing criminal.

That said, I would stand behind the death penalty for any such terrorist - that's what copper thieves are in this country, they are terrorists. But we are supposed to be a country of laws, where a judge and or jury decides the fate of the criminal - not a citizen or police.

So the question remains, will the Tribune do due diligence and find out what kind of Gun License this person has? Otherwise your story makes it sound like we are living in the Wild Wild West, but one where only certain "special people" are allowed to engage in shoot ups along side the cops.

Lastly, would I trust Mr Miller with a gun?
Hell no - he appears to have some rage issues.

On Leslie Miller uses shotgun at store site

Posted 3 August 2013, 12:39 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

First, RIP to the diseased.

Secondly, while they do not mention this, it is highly probable that one if not both of these incidents involved one or both of the vehicles running red lights - so that is what the following paragraphs are about - if that is not the case here, then I apologize but this is still a very valid issue that should be addressed.

Many Bahamians want to run the red light at night without realizing the consequences of such dangerous actions - these are the type of results to be expected. As long as the police do nothing to stop law breakers from running red lights at night, tragic yet inevitable incidents such as these will continue to happen.

24 hours a day, the law is the same - the police need to do their job more in this area, and people need to stay home if they are too "frightened" to stop at a red light. Most Bahamians that run the red light at night will clearly acknowledge they run it not due to fear, but because they can - at least so they think.

Meanwhile at night, generally the police are either asleep at the station, busy being bouncers at nightclubs, or if you do see them on the road in most cases they are just on a "food run". I commend the police that are actually out there day and night going after guns and drugs, but traffic is definitely one area the police fail at miserably.

Wake up Bahamas, literally. And please buckle up, even in the rear of the vehicle and especially at night.

On Two killed in road accidents

Posted 1 July 2013, 6:09 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

That would not be disappointing, if in fact that is the truth - every post I make is about skilled and experienced Bahamians being mistreated by their own people, so I am on that side of the court.

But I cannot find the name "Holdom" anywhere linked to the Bahamas - what I did find was a history of him living and working in the US, and others that I talked to suggest he is not Bahamian - although the fact that he lives here and is adding to the economy is at least a plus, even if he is a foreigner. My point is though, regardless of whether this particular case is true or not, Bahamians on a whole - especially the government (FNM or PLP) - will listen to a foreigner over a Bahamian any day of the week.

If you have more info on this fellow, that proves he is a Bahamian, I will happily retract all my statements on that thread, with pleasure. :-)

On superUser

Posted 1 July 2013, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

As usual, being an FNM minion you cannot handle the truth. Perhaps you are the one that should give YOUR "mantra" a rest, you seem to have a very unhealthy obsession with other countries, besides our own. That said, I am happy it gave you "some" value - maybe the point is finally getting through that thick skull of yours. But that could just be the brain damage from all the cell phone usage.

superUser says...

There's that good old "slave" mentality again - you just called yourself, your family, your friends, and all your beloved politicians - dumb lazy corrupt animals.

And if I really wanted to mention "body parts" I would say you and your fellow traitors "urinate" on the "face" of every single Bahamian when you bring in Foreign clowns to take our jobs. Being the traitors you are, you don't care about this country and you treat every skilled and experienced Bahamian citizen as nothing more than a piece of worthless "feces". Trash such as yourself can stay right there in your dead end job, bending over for your man god politicians and licking the foreign companies "backsides" - it suits your type well. After all, you are too dumb to do anything else. With a brain the size of a peanut, no wonder you don't know there are smart skilled and experienced Bahamians in this country, who in fact DO work hard, and DO the job right.

But I digress ... YES we have some lazy dumb people, such as yourself - but they also exist in the USA, England, and elsewhere - in fact there are millions of dumb lazy people in those countries, always looking for a handout. And the funny thing is, many of the foreigners that come here to work, are some of those same dumb lazy people - how ironic.

superUser says...

And yet the previous government - the corrupt FNM - betrayed ALL Bahamians by calling them Stupid Dumb Animals when they brought in foreign companies to do their jobs. Where are your noble and patriotic clowns now? Oh yeah that's right, they were kicked out of power - thank god.

superUser says...

So you are saying the PLP are corrupt like the FNM was .... Cause man those FNM suckers were corrupt to the core. And unlike you, I wont try to "twist" words - PLP, FNM, same ole. As for Mr Miller and his bill, he already mentioned he has no bill, why don't you ask if king papa ever paid his bill? Now that is something I would LOVE to see, especially since the moron is making a fortune from us poor broke Bahamian citizens.

superUser says...

Yes all talk and no action, like the wutless pathetic FNM. Those FNM traitors economically raped and pillaged this country for 5 whole years and anyone that still supports them are no good traitors.

superUser says...

Tthesaurus? Well at least he isn't the PM, the last clown we had didn't even know what a hologram is.