Comment history

superUser says...

Still clinging to the failed FNM party? When your comment has nothing to do with the accusation, and everything to do with the person who is making the accusation, it is clear you do not care about the issue at hand. Instead you are obviously still stuck in a fairy tale land where the FNM will be voted back into power - even though that will never happen with the current clowns you have as leaders. Look, your beloved FNM economically raped and pillaged this country for 5 years, coupled with lies and failed promises, most of what they did do was just in time for election (nothing new for the FNM or PLP). Additionally they called Bahamians Stupid Dumb Animals by outsourcing millions of dollars of contracts to foreign companies, which in turn makes them Traitors, and the same goes for anyone that still supports them. So keep hanging onto that failed party .. good luck with it.

superUser says...

Typical papabot, instead of seeing that he is addressing a major issue with BEC, you ask simpleton questions about his own personal issues. He has already told you his bills are paid up - if you have more questions about it, why don't you get a lawyer and sequester his details from BEC - otherwise spouting off these ridiculous statements in an attempt to make HIM look bad personally, instead of addressing the actual issue at hand, is just political pandering at best.

superUser says...

Yes and they also voted for the FNM's "manifesto" in 2007, and caught hell for their lies and false promises, and hence they were kicked out of office. Politics, as usual.

On Minnis: Come clean on crime

Posted 30 June 2013, 12:47 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

More "Revs" need to be arrested, for spreading idiocracy? Have they visited the prison lately, and if so do they approve of its 3rd world living conditions, not even fit for animals? How do they expect someone that goes into that prison to come back out a responsible citizen who can be part of a civilized society? Now they want to send the "parents" to the prison - it is totally insane. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying parents do not hold some of the blame, but making the parent a more violent criminal will not help the situation. What the "Revs" should be saying FIRST is the Prison System here needs to be overhauled - currently it is a disgrace.

superUser says...

Well I'm sure the now $5.6 million dollars worth of Foreign Alarm Company installed CCTV cameras, were sure to have captured the incident? Nothing to see here.

On Charged with trying to kill DPM's aide

Posted 30 June 2013, 12:35 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

FNM minions were the "Enemy of state" for 5 whole years.
Now, they are just sad pathetic individuals.

On ACCORDING TO ME: Enemy of our state

Posted 30 June 2013, 12:32 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Again, you have the comprehension of a river rat. Foreign and Foreign Companies are 2 different things. And if you could find an inkling of a brain inside that head of yours, you would know the difference. As for foreign companies laughing at us, or employees of foreign companies to be more exact, if you were not just a "Boat Captain" and had some involvement in the industries which your man god politicians sell to any foreign company which says "roll over", then you would know these simple facts. As for foreigners living here with ties to the Bahamas, adding to the economy - I have no issues with that. Alas, explaining anything to you is like talking to a dog that licks its own backside, about why not to lick its own backside. Keep rolling over and licking your backside, see where that takes you.

On Dealer's expansion put 'on the shelf'

Posted 30 June 2013, 12:30 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Again, your unhealthy obsession with "Cell Phones" is quite depressing. Look, I am not sorry your man god king papa and his pathetic political regime was literally kicked out of office with their tails between their backsides, and anything you say or do will not change that fact. So perhaps go back to Facebook and ask one of your fellow FNM minions for a lap dance, as I am not here to please you.

On YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Grading PLP Governance

Posted 30 June 2013, 12:19 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

You have an unhealthy obsession with "cell phones" - 1) I did not say I "NEVER" used a Cell phone, I said I "DO NOT" use a Cell phone, and for good reasons. 2) As mentioned there are many bahamians that can build computers, so do not go crying because you only know the uneducated and unskilled Bahamians. 3) As for 10 countries, well its no more far fetched than your 3 countries and illegal (in the Bahamas) citizenship's for at least one of them. 4) I would say you have more than just "Vision Issues", but that itself explains alot. Good day.

On ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted

Posted 30 June 2013, 12:12 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

@nationdestroyer, AKA FNM cronie - Please show us evidence where you thoroughly researched every single country in the world that has implemented VAT.

On ACCORDING TO ME: Enemy of our state

Posted 30 June 2013, 12:06 a.m. Suggest removal