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superUser says...

This is one politician that doesn't give a crap and tells it like it is.
Congrats Mr. Miller - keep doing the right thing.

superUser says...

But this is nothing new, its being going on for decades, but its gotten worse and had more exposure lately due to recent contracts the FNM in particular gave out like they were on a mission, and the PLP have continued the retardation. What’s worse is they do this for industries reserved 100% for Bahamians, by the same laws they make - and yet they (and you) turn around and want others to follow laws and you complain about crime - you are part of the problem, you are the criminal too, in addition to being a Traitor.

As usual, as long as it does not affect you and your drunken tourists, you will brush it to the side and accept that only a Foreign company can do such work - what happens when they start bringing in "Boat Captains" to get your tourists drunk and wipe their backsides, will you still support your beloved FNM, and PLP?

As for skilled Bahamians leaving, you are simply out of touch with the huge sector of smart skilled Bahamians living here or training abroad. Yes they are leaving, YES they ARE not coming back ... there is nothing for most of them to come back to, because you Traitors give the work to foreign companies. Keep living in your bubble though, one day it will burst and you will see the truth, it is inevitable.

On ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted

Posted 27 June 2013, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Another clueless post from our neighborhood "Boat Captain". Nowhere in the definition of "xenophobia" does it mention "Foreign Companies", much less those being brought in to take work from local companies in a small closed country such as the Bahamas, with a shrinking economy and nowhere for the average Bahamian to go due to borders preventing them from entering other countries to work (legally), and not being able to Invest outside of their country (by law) - by the way its also illegal for a Bahamian to have another citizenship, in case you are also ignorant to that fact - its your beloved man god politicians that made or make these laws, blame them and voters such as yourself.

You love to "foam from the mouth" with this word Xenophobia like it actually pertains to this conversation, yet it is just a lame defense which holds no merit. We are not simply talking about foreigners working at a Tourist trap, or foreigners on a whole - we are talking about foreigner companies coming in here, brought in by fools such as yourself, to do work which there are LOCALS here to do - taking that money right back out of the country again. And you and other Traitors are doing this because you are simply too dumb (or lazy) to do any research and find out that there ARE skilled and experienced locals here to do the work - or which is more likely, you simply believe a foreigner can do a better job than a Bahamian.

Who's to say we can't have a Bahamian Rocket Scientist? Or wait, a Bahamian Computer Builder?? You? The FNM or PLP? Just because YOU and the other clowns never heard of one, does not mean they do not exist. We Bahamians are not just put on earth to be slaves to tourists, or run around a field in circles, or god forbid to become a crooked lawyer .... Bahamians are built as much the same as any other person from any other country, we can and we are everything and anything.

On ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted

Posted 27 June 2013, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

The average 10 year old can build a computer, I don't see why it is that impossible for you, an adult - especially since you have the Internet at your fingertips with your brain retarding "cell phone". It is "amusing" that you find something which is so simple, to be such a tremendous feat of imagination. Another prime example of why traitors such as yourself simply hire foreign companies - you do not believe Bahamians are capable of even the most simple things, unless it involves getting Tourist drunk or wiping their backsides.

On ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted

Posted 27 June 2013, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

You claim to be a "Boat Captain" who "interacts" with tourists - Perhaps you actually mean you get them drunk and sell them drugs - that sounds more likely to be "factual", considering your lower intelligence.

On ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted

Posted 26 June 2013, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

In every article she writes she states untruths - you are just not willing to see them for that? And where was she for the 5 years the FNM were in power? The last administration was pathetic, this current one - PLP - has been in just for 1 out of 5 years, so no real way to judge this term yet, but they come across as pathetic as well. I have no "party" to defend, I would not vote for either of the 2 clowns - we need new parties or at least new leaders for those parties. Running a country is not about opposition, its about getting things done. Every 5 years all that happens is the tables are turned, and they cuss each other out on TV for another 5 years, and some blind followers mention opposition - opposition to everything will get this country nowhere.

And you call this nonsense - giving YOUR jobs away to foreign companies with no ties to this country, work that YOU and other Bahamians train for years for, pay taxes for years for, and wait around getting scraps while the foreign companies come in and get paid 100 times what you ever made or WILL ever make in your entire career.

The FNM and PLP destroy local industries, the FNM in particular during their recent 5 years of total and undeniable economical gang banging RIPPED the belly of local industries and fed it to the dogs while they brought in every foreigner they could find that would work for the most absurd sums of money. Skilled and experienced Bahamians of ALL ages were and ARE leaving this country (or not coming back) and that is a shame, because your 2 beloved political parties could not find it in their heart to actually believe in Bahamians - not just talk about it - actually believe Bahamians can do the job as well as a foreigner and be worth the SAME, not less. The FNM (and now the PLP) essentially called these smart trained experienced Bahamians of ALL ages - stupid dumb animals - by outsourcing jobs to foreign companies, and it continues today.

If you believe that is okay, then there is no more to say. Vote for either of the 2 clowns - the "wutless" FNM or the "wutless" PLP. You want ME to vote for one of them (again)? When they actually do something worth voting for, then I may consider it. Until then, even a blind "potcake" could run this country better than them. Ask yourself a question, why is it that the FNM and PLP cannot do simple research instead of hiring foreign consultants to answer everything for them - are we that dumb that we need to pay other people to tell us what to do? I don't think "we" are, but it sure seems the politicians are.

On ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted

Posted 26 June 2013, 7:48 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

The article is 100% political - the writer is a known FNM cronie who writes these biased far fetched stories for the Tribune, and her own "blog".
If you were truly tired of the "pro-political (and most often meaningless) rants", then you would not even read the Tribune articles to begin with.

On ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted

Posted 26 June 2013, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

It is now clear that you have a brain the size of a peanut, or you are really just that dumb and illiterate.

Holdom is a foreigner that came down here to do this Solar work.…

In other words my little clueless minion, he is not Bahamian. There is nothing wrong with that since he allegedly has a licensed local business and contributes to the local economy. But for those that can actually understand the English language - the problem is not him, its you and the other Traitors that treat your fellow Bahamians as Stupid Dumb Animals - face it, you will listen to a foreigners word like its gold, but throw a Bahamian under the bus (figuratively speaking). You will remain the problem until you stand up and actually support your fellow Bahamians - and as in ANY country, I am of course talking about those that can actually do the work right.

PS. I built my computer from scratch - same as Dell, HP, and Apple "build" their products.
Nice try though, "Boat Captain".

superUser says...

@ Collin - as a self proclaimed "intellectual" you should be able to perform such a simple task as quoting the right name in your reply - but obviously that is too much to ask from a simpleton, who "claims" to be intellectual. As for fools, idiots, dummies, etc. that would pertain to the traitors such as yourself who still support the failed political parties which themselves have called ALL Bahamians stupid dumb animals by importing foreign companies to take our jobs - so by extension, you and your fellow Traitors are calling ALL Bahamians stupid dumb animals.

And I am such a "waste of time" that you managed to find time to reply twice, with multiple paragraphs - fact is, you were "absolutely" defeated before you even posted your first sentence. But don't "Stop the world and jump off!" just yet, let us hear more of your Anti-Bahamian-ism hate speech, it is a terrible yet historic reminder of 5 long years of the failed FNM regime.


Posted 26 June 2013, 8:41 a.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

So what about the pirate movies being rented out at Super Video, and sold by other individuals on the side of the street?? Ryan must be joking with this press release.