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superUser says...

Another foreigner telling us what to do, you don't see these articles from Bahamian experts in the industry - the government wont listen to the Bahamian, because ofcourse foreign is always better to the PLP and FNM, and to the Tribune.

"Licensed U.S. Builder for 10 years promoting Green Home Building and Energy Efficiency."
Good luck with that.

superUser says...

This so called "leading business man" really needs to clean up his nasty laundromats, the places are so dirty they aren't even fit for animals. Seems any fool can own a business these days and get press time in National news media. If the Bahamas had a Department of Environmental Heath that actually did its job properly, they along with most of the food stores and restaurants in Nassau would have been fined or closed down until they brought them up to standard. Or wait, is that what he is complaining about now, the Department of Environmental Heath actually doing its job? LOL.

superUser says...

Speaking of which, whats happening with the $30,000 fine for using VOIP in the Bahamas? Recall URCA or something before they existed mentioned that VOIP is illegal in the Bahamas, or at least unregulated VOIP, such as in the form of Skype, Vonage, MSN IM, Yahoo IM, and pretty much any form of VOIP out there that is not regulated by the Bahamas. Are we a lawless nation or will they actually enforce these laws, or finally remove them so that we can move on with developing our own VOIP technology (without paying huge fees to URCA).

On Cable blasts BTC on roaming call 'block'

Posted 25 June 2013, 10:36 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

The FNM (and now the PLP) simply give our industries away to foreign companies, because in their eyes we Bahamians are too stupid - unless we are rich people that own car dealerships?

Do people understand that the same shrinking economy (almost collapsing) applies to other industries in the Bahamas, ones where foreign companies are being brought in for the jobs of a lifetime .. on the Internet the foreign companies laugh at us, about how they can come to the Bahamas and clean up, because to them Bahamians are all a bunch of suckers, and just "dumb islanders". And if they need to win a job over a local Bahamian company, well they claim the Bahamas is for sale so they just pay the right person. Sadly its not just the FNM and PLP that does this, its also many of their retarded followers. Wanna know how to get a job of a lifetime in the Bahamas? Move to a foreign country, and come back under the guise of a foreign company.

Anyway I digress, may as well bring in foreign new car sales companies too, whats good for the goose and all that. Our people really do love foreign - that will be our downfall if we are not careful.

On Dealer's expansion put 'on the shelf'

Posted 25 June 2013, 10:32 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

So this "Young Clown" is calling the minister a Pimp?
What does that make LBR in this twisted article??
You may not like any of them as politicians, but to call them "pimps" and "whores" is a little too much.
Terrible article for all concerned.

superUser says...

LOL @ Bathroom Humor, "farts", but its okay I realize I will encounter simpletons when I speak bad about their man god politicians.

And I've lived in 10 countries, so what? Being able to get on a plane doesn't exactly mean someone is educated, or smart. The fact that you are a "boat captain" who "interacts" with Tourists means you work in the Tourist industry. I rest my case. As long as PAPA and his fellow clowns from the FNM, and the PLP it seems, provide you with slave like jobs then you are fine with that - mind a country will never get anywhere as long as all it depends on is Tourism. And the fact that you "support" a political regime that said all Bahamians are dummies, including yourself, by bringing in foreign companies to do work which there are capable local bahamian companies here for, calls into questioning just how educated you really are, let alone how patriotic you are to the Bahamas - therefore it is a question that is ripe for the picking, just what kind of Traitor are you?

When there are no skilled local workers left here, because they all left to find work elsewhere, somewhere they are appreciated or just somewhere they can actually find work that is not being given out to every joe blow foreign company in the world, it will be all your fault and the fault of people just like you. You should learn mandarin now, because based on "your" way of thinking, the Chinese will eventually have to rescue this nation from the inevitable economic collapse.

I am done with this topic now, may we meet on another thread and discuss more corrupt political happenings in this country. HA HA. You ofcourse can continue posting though, it is your right.


Posted 25 June 2013, 6:41 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

You mention "smart phone" like that will somehow make you "smart", yet you hardly come across as smart - ever heard of a land line? You should try it sometime, although I fear some brain damage from your cellphone has already occurred. Again crying about the Tourism dollar? Unlike you, the skilled LOCAL workers you and your FNM want replaced are not slaves to your foreign masters- they CAN and DO compete on a global scale. But if you want to clean tourist beds and wipe their backsides for the rest of your miserable life, that is fine but leave us out of it.


Posted 25 June 2013, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

You are obviously blind, or simply do not understand English.
Good luck with that, papabot.


Posted 25 June 2013, 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

I never said ANY of that, again you are trying to put words where they do not exist. Laughable at best, my little FNM minion.


Posted 25 June 2013, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Hello papabot - did you take the time to grade the wutless FNM after their first year of nothingness? I doubt you did.

On YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Grading PLP Governance

Posted 25 June 2013, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal