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ted4bz says...

KMT!!! 🙉

ted4bz says...

"Thankfully, most of the people who are vaccinated will experience no symptoms or mild symptoms..."
That is exactly why they do not know they are spreading sickness to each other and all over the place. thankfully i am not vaccinated, otherwise I too would think it is a good thing to not know I am sick..

"... Unvaccinated persons have a higher risk of getting COVID, being hospitalised and dying from COVID."
That's some amateurish bs right there!

ted4bz says...

I told yall relaxing restrictions was only a trick to get yall to accept the punishment that is coming. It would have been smarter to beg for the restrictions to remain in place it would have prepared us all better for the harsher restriction that was inevitable. Instead you all allowed yourselves to be use again,emotionally abd politically.

ted4bz says...

Can they identify people wearing mask and hoodies just as easy?

ted4bz says...

"Eleven of the new cases had a history of travel, which could point to imported cases." No one can board a carrier without negative test & mask or vaccination & mask. This means none of this works, not the mask, not the test, nor the vaccines. Or, that they are making all this up. Which also means the only effectiveness and reality is the fear and extorsion, getting these two groups of people to load up the body with toxic materials hands off!

ted4bz says...

"...officials are in the process of reviewing protocols to see where changes can be made,..." This is a maze designed with no way out. We know how this is happening, only the vaccinated and negative tested can board carriers and are spreading the variants they are making. But only the vaccinated do not know they are doing this. Stop pretending, we already know the solution, and that is to come up with more temptations to lure the fickle and desired to go get the vaccines/boosters. This makes more virus factories, more carriers qualify to board more flights and more vessels to spread endless varieties of variants across the globe, perpetually. It’s a hamster wheel.

On Darville relaxed despite COVID outbreak on ship

Posted 22 December 2021, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

What vehicle is omicron using to ride its way across the globe this time? According to the numbers, more than half the global population are vaccinated and only the vaccinated (or those presenting negative test in some places) are allowed to board flights or vessels, and yet the outcome is the same as 2020. Even tho there a far less travelers moving about than in 2019 and 2020 how is it that this COVID-19 thing is spreading itself faster than previous times when no one was vaccinated at all? Trying to help this make sense is hard.

On Davis to address COVID concerns

Posted 21 December 2021, 9:36 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

All this is making Minnis look like a monster. Things opening, or appearing to look like it is opening, but will it all collapse and fold up once again into a nightmare? Well, it happen before, without anyone being ready for it and it can again.

ted4bz says...

They know better, there will be no spreading, not naturally. But the US could and might elevate the level of danger back to the highest. That is the greatest danger, nothing other. This alone will create a domino effect, again. If only they tell the people educate the people and stop the folly and diddling around the mulberry bush, if only…

ted4bz says...

I know a huge amount of people who are all shot up, most seems fine and that is good. I know a very small handful who have died and sick, and not recovering either, not many but a few. And, then I know a huge amount of people who are not shot up, some have gotten sick from the flu, all recovered and not one I know died from the flu. I am not saying those who are not shot up are not dying, sure they are, but those numbers are no higher than previous years, no matter what they died from. Many people I know are saying the exact same thing I am saying here. And then there are some I know saying exactly whatever the government and the media utters. Well, the media and government facts seldom line up with the reality around us. They are in a position that allows them to makeup reality with no way to verify any of it other than what they choose to present. This is my account/observation.

On Six more deaths blamed on COVID

Posted 16 December 2021, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal