Comment history

ted4bz says...

Wen Jehovah and Satan stop and END the silly quagmire and embrace each other, only then. Humans are like the gods. STUPID and petty. so no!

ted4bz says...

This position in the leadership requires one to taradiddle at its highest, you need a fickle ruthless animal who is truly a hyena, jackal, fox, badger or snake for that, even tho she tried to be, naturally she is not that kind of animal.

On DNA Leader Arinthia Komolafe resigns

Posted 12 December 2021, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Two years later more than 60% remain unvaccinated and the scare tactics of a dangerous virus have not resembled the outcome of a pandemic by no means nor measure. Whether vaccinated or unvaccinated the thing is almost 100% of us are still here (no more terrible than prior years), better still we are all feeling well, regardless to vaccination status. There is no reason to Go get vaccinated”, it is totally unnecessary.

On Incentives planned to use up vaccines

Posted 9 December 2021, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

"...we don’t know what to do about it." What have you been doing all along? Doing exactly as told, right? Well, just keep doing just that! That's all.It's all engineered, there is no smart thing that anyone can come up with to get out of any part of this, it's engineered. There is no way out.

ted4bz says...

Bahamas government very good at doing and saying the nonsensical things it is ordered to follow. The Bahamas government was ordered to say they recognized Juan Guaido as president of Venezuela even though it is not so, even tho it made no sense, even tho it never and could ever mount to a hill of beans. Nevertheless, the Bahamas government had to say this senseless thing in the same way it has to ban Africans traveling here, or else. On a serious note, it should never be taken seriously.

On ‘Travel ban unfair - we need tests’

Posted 6 December 2021, 9:17 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Stop the shots or stop the maltreatments, problem solved.

On 10 more COVID-19 deaths

Posted 4 December 2021, 8:21 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Stop taking these shots. otherwise you might wake up never feeling ok ever again or, if you fall you'll never get up ever again once you go down 😢😒

ted4bz says...

We are not buying that. People dying, yes, but it's not what the politics and media diddling. This virus thing they trying so hard to sell, it is not being bought.

On Eight more deaths attributed to virus

Posted 3 December 2021, 1:51 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

All this corruption, lies, making enemies out of friends and jabbing the population with toxic and contaminated materials will go on and on as long as the deep state hold governments hostage or for hire, and yet we expect this and much more. Regardless to how long they run on and on with all this nonsense, those of us with sense remain unfettered by the media propagations of the political and industrial complex vaccine tarradiddle.

ted4bz says...

All this corruption, lies, making enemies out of friends and jabbing the population with toxic and contaminated materials will go on and on as long as the deep state hold governments hostage or fore hire, and yet we expect this and much more. Regardless to how long they run on and on with all this nonsense, those of us with sense remain unfettered by the media propagations of the political and industrial complex vaccine tarradiddle.

On Travel limits ‘to buy some time’ on COVID

Posted 1 December 2021, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal