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ted4bz says...

Stay away from the hospital, no one cares.

ted4bz says...

One of my neighbors was disconnected from the pole three years ago. A few days later his BPL buddies showed up at night and reconnected him and he is still connected this way even to this day. This is not the first time, he been disconnected and reconnected many times during the past 15 years or so the same way. For more than 15 years he hasn’t spent a dime on power. He is running heavy equipment all day including air condition day and night, summer, and winter without paying a dime. And I am sure he's only one of many. Imagine how much money they can collect from him, and others like him. If we know some of these people, I am sure BPL knows also. They are not serious.

ted4bz says...

Now either we (all) end this by blocking out these political tarradiddle’s and diddling or continue with the push further and deeper down into this political and industrial cold dark tunnel. The way out for those not already all shot-up with this experimental drug is not to get involve with this non-transparent operation in the first place. As for those who are already all shot up, well at this point there is no experimental, medical nor medicinal solution. To those who have taken the bate, well your health is pretty much trapped, your health is compromised by the drug, going on in denial is not the way out. To continue with this madness means there is NO end in sight, NO way out, NO beneficial value, NO sense in this, NO taking control of your health nor your life, NO privacy, and NO happy ending either. But you can put an end to them, block them out and defy their madness. say no to the shots. no more shots. say no and mean no!

On Fourth wave fears will lead to booster rollout

Posted 24 November 2021, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

By now everyone getting themselves shot up knows covid is either a hoax or that something is not right about it. I do not care how scared people are no one can be this scared not to realize one or the next. This has gone from protecting people from a virus to gambling with the personal interest, health, and lives of people in order to get them to accept the jab. The way this game is played is to dangle the interest of the people beyond their reach. If you want to keep what you are doing or want to keep what you have or keep getting more of what you have, then getting shot up with a jab is the only game in town and the only way pass it is to get the shot (until the next shot). Listing their interest at stake is enough to give most people a reason to give up and to give into a shot of no value to them. They will become so desperate that they will be willing to toss their card into the game. So, for whatever reason people are doing this it’s not about a virus it is about securing their individual and personal interest to get the pestering covid cabal off their back so that they can go about their business, well, until the next shot. Rather than to simply resist, do not comply, they play their cards of reason against their freedom, choices, desires, family/social relationships, common sense, health, and yes, even their lives.

ted4bz says...

The PLP reports the FNM and the FNM reports the PLP. No one reports themselves. As for the police!. What about the police, what does it do? nothing!!!! This world makes no sense, it is a clown's heaven. So, DO not take it seriously.

ted4bz says...

This is also setting up the people to be less prepared. Sad trickery!

ted4bz says...

This is unrealistic, many countries getting stricter and going into more stricter measures of covid-19 and we are getting out? I do not think so. However, the PLP has always been smoother than the FNM. If there is a plan to introduce more stricter measures reducing the chance of losing supporters, well, you do it like this, you allow the people to do it for you. You allow them to trap themselves into what’s in store and blame them for what is to be unleash upon them. They know the masses will not act in any responsible and discipline way. But this is a way to cushion the blow and get them to blame themselves for the punishment that is coming, because more restrictions are coming.

ted4bz says...

Thank you very much. This is a game for law breakers and fact rejectors so let them play in it. The amount of people partaking in this emotional media, political and big tech trickery and experiment on their good health are just simply unconscious. They do not know they are all having their natural immunity turn off and made artificial, intentionally, and the major benefiter are the big-tech trillion-dollar groups and those serving the drug. Soon the people taking these drugs will not only need to live survive on the big-tech drugs, but they are helping to proliferate a new global medical condition on a massive scale. What’s worst they will need monthly supplies to stay alive, and yet less functional, at their expense at a high price (this is happening on a smaller scale as we speak) and they are tossing themselves into this meat grinder by ignoring everything that do not thrill them. So, they better enjoy the freebies as much as they are enjoying suckerfish to free ride, except this ride is headed to a place of suffering. Hats off to the smartest nation of people, the haitian people, in HAITI. They are the strongest resistance on this planet, no other comes close!

ted4bz says...

These meeting all the way up to COP25 have been nothing but juicy talks. But now, finally they found usefulness to bri ng it to life (literally). Here we go. This is going to lead to lockdowns, restrictions and shortages never seen before. It is going to be bigger and deeper than this current crisis.

ted4bz says...

Who was pushing them to make up the numbers? Who is preventing them from making up numbers? Amazing how they can play this illusionary game either way when they want how they want and 99% of the public goes along with it, either way!