Comment history

ted4bz says...

Listen here, nothing is free. Since you all accept covid, then accept bills and political disasters. What else y’all expected? The government to be a loving mother and father because you all are scared? Fear does not stop the bills any more than it stops a covid (political and media driven) crisis. Fear is a choice! Covid and bills go together, you can’t have one without the other.

ted4bz says...

Y’all thought this CV19 thing would go away with 2020 eh? .. Well let me tell you more to cushion the shock of what the extensions are for. You all are going to be locked down for weeks at a time shortly after the Electoral College certifies Biden’s victory of an election blanketed in fog. That can’t happen without the extensions, the extension is necessary, so chill. CV19 is not the only thing that kills, poverty kills also! CV19 is a package and the fear mongering, smokescreen, lockdowns, poverty, vaccination and absolute control are all parts of that package as well. You all bit into this CV cake, and now, you will have to finish all of it. You can’t have one part without the other...

ted4bz says...

The poor and the rich caters to the rich, not the other way around. In this world money is the undisputed champion above integrity and even god itself, and the rich got it all. Money is the deal of the day, so consider this a done deal, even if it means a backdoor deal.

ted4bz says...

We keep buying into these political hacks as forward solutions. In the dark it all seems good. Turn on the light and we are behind, backwards and worst off than if we had not bought into these schemes and traps in the first place. Government is not the solution, it’s the problem.

On PM signals no more assistance likely for rent

Posted 25 November 2020, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

It’s impossible for this to not have cost us not a cent. Other than the operation the consultancy fees, research, securities, attorneys, marketing, administration, management, banking, investment and the works, everything to get this setup, going, rolling and running properly etc. It must have cost us a bundle already and that is without collecting a single penny. All that for sure without any anything guaranteed. So we can’t say this won’t cost us a cent, it will even if we don’t collect what we spend.

ted4bz says...

Always telling the government what to do. Always begging for more restrictions and punishments for others, as long as it’s not you.🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️‘S

On Nightclub and guests fined for breaches

Posted 13 November 2020, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

🤣😂🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️’s All of them😅

On Tempers flare over who broke the rules

Posted 13 November 2020, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Stop turning of the power every time there is a rain storm.

ted4bz says...

Back the line. Pinewood and other areas have water in their houses it dwarfs the worst of coral Harbor road Floodings. Stay home, your not suppose to be on the road.