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ted4bz says...

Y’all stop freaking out, y’all being fooled because you all are fools.
You are corralled because you are a herd. You accept political nonsense
Because it’s easier than doing your own home work and checking
things out for Yourselves. Stop complaining, It’s no ones fault but your own.

On Playing by the rules?

Posted 11 November 2020, 7:48 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Seems they have all the answers now. It’s to bad it was not put in place before all this.

On ‘Moore’s Island has been forgotten’

Posted 31 October 2020, 8:41 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

How could this grocer know how covid is spreading, he seems to know more than everyone all put together. And the blame falls on the poor young, not the Restless greedy elites.
They think they know more than the PM...”tell me, what does the PM knows? Sounds like you know more.
Look here, there is never ever never going to be 100% of any thing, There never was and there never will be. Covid protocols, orders or expectations are no exception. So get use to it and stop trying to blame what no one can control.
You said you are going along and not second guessing the medical professionals.
Neither am I. Except the medical professionals are divided into two camps. Those supporting the media and political narratives and those who are not. I’m with the side that is not (no matter what). That is not. Both camps are medical professionals regardless to what side we choose. Just get your points straight.

On Grocers implore PM to end weekend lockdown

Posted 28 October 2020, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

“It was alright for the first two or three months when everyone was trying to get their composure and understand this virus...” If it was alright then it’s alright now. If it is not alright now, it wasn’t alright then.

LOOK; you all were being warned for years about this, you labeled it conspiracy theory and dismissed it. And worst your still doing that. It is written, “Study to prove to yourself” you should have done that long time ago. You didn’t do that, and worst you’re still not doing it.

You should have been physically and mentally prepared and ready organized into working communities working together in all relevant matters. You could have been setup having very little need for the government, if any at all. You didn’t do any of that, and worst you’re still not doing any of it, except further distracting and entertaining your useless audiences that are already confused and distracted with cv19 political, media and religious gibberish. Shame on you both.

On Playing politics in the pulpit

Posted 27 October 2020, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

As long as you all agree with the ways Minnis and the globalist industrial cv19 Unchecked program and methods are relayed to you, whereas they can tell you all anything they want without providing substance and verifiable details. As long as you all agree and parrot whatever they choose to tell you, that way won’t get you anywhere. Agreeing with him and then attacking him makes no sense. Make up your minds one way or the other.

On Show me the money

Posted 9 October 2020, 7:57 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Once you freely give up your freedoms and common sense to governments, it becomes a bargaining chip dangling over your heads. Hopes and beliefs are losing cards, you won’t be getting what you waiting for. All of history and whats left of common sense proves you will not be getting Any of it back, well, at least not just like that, not freely, not without a battle and certainly not any time soon.

ted4bz says...

Politicians are impractical people, but ace in fancy speeches and promises with empty words, empty hands and empty results. The Haitians knows this better than most, they are ace at working around the fancy words of politicians, if one thing they are not lacking is experience in chaos. In the end the Haitians will survive this, intact.

On Abaco residents can expect 'drastic turnaround'

Posted 19 September 2020, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

No other place can conflict of interest be so legal and handsomely rewarded but in the arena of politics and government. Now y’all see why I don’t take politicians and governments seriously?

ted4bz says...

As long as citizens refuse to control their own destiny they post themselves as equity. This handsome capital will be cashed into! There are no rulers that will resist this human resource. This is one of the most precious of all commodities of all nations, it’s a guarantee. In a last ditch effort to save themselves this capital will be used up, from whatever or whoever they are saving themselves from, no matter the cry. Even if it’s a campaign stunt, that is!

ted4bz says...

The whole thing was way Under planned, with no plan, nothing achieved because nothing learned. Stay away from government no matter how bad it gets. Because they put party supporters in charge of everything, not technocrats. No wonder why everything either stays the same or get worst. Stay away, because you are better than their options, otherwise you can do Just as bad or make it worse all by yourself.

On Dorian shelter finally closed

Posted 29 August 2020, 9:58 a.m. Suggest removal