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ted4bz says...

Let me be fair and say this much on his behalf for his hard efforts. If Mr Rollins efforts was to show up the bad guys, well he did that! But its going to take more than that. If he have other motives knowing that he did not have a chance and suspected that he would get the result that he did, then its smart. But I stick to what I said before, ask questions first then shoot and not the other way around.

ted4bz says...

Check the history of oil spills in every civilize country (noncorrupt) it is the government who plays the first cards on behaft of its communities damaged by energy giants. And usually the energy giants respond with offers without a fight. Only after that if residents are not pleased with the offers do the individuals in the community file lawsuits for better offers.

From what I have seen it does not matter what the facts and evidence Are that are presented, it's going to take much more than that. Fighting these energy giants who are well protected by armies of rich attorneys, very wealthy law and PR firms, political friends and lobbiest supplied with warehouses of cash and tricks.

The people must unite and the government must assist, no one can do this by themselves unless they are will to accept what is offered down the road (even without a fight) or go bankrupted and alone. Unite Marathon.

ted4bz says...

Mr Rollins have no friends on his side and he presented no facts nor evidence everything was assumption, speculation and accusations. If you are going to present nothing then at least have friends behind you, that's the way it works. Otherwise Mr Rollins should have done some background search and scientific research and the public and the media would have done the rest. Only after that should he call for what he was after. He presented nothing much so he got nothing much. Boy-O-boy we can use some changes around here?

ted4bz says...

To see other images please visit my Facebook page…

Also, please sign our petition forcing RUBiS and the government to act:…

ted4bz says...

Ted Forbes I have studied the entire report which is only 22 pages of text, the other pages are illustrations and charts. In summery, the reports, does not mention the residents to the east of RUBiS and does not make mention to the people of Marathon. The motive of the report to me seems to be about proving that the contamination affects does not affect the contenders specifically named in the report and disputes that properties, buildings and tenants/employees are in no danger of the spill. Thats it.

I have coped six images here are lifted from the report, I have overlaid PINK and BLUE circles over the images which show the scientific movement of both ground water and contamination movements. The PINK indicates the radial contaminated area spilling into residential and business areas around the service station. The BLUE represent the flow of underground water moving radial from the center of the island outward towards the shores.

I have included the text from the report along with my own comments. If you read the report you will see that all of what I have included in the images are there and contradicts the the diagrams in the report.

See the images below or click the link here…

ted4bz says...

Chucky that would be nice if Bahamians come together like that. Now I am not saying don't do it, I am just saying know all the facts. But don't forget BEC and every major business with engines and machines by their fuel form one of the three major oil companies as well. Also remember the same tanker that bring the fuel for the other two major oil companies is the same rig that brings the oil for RUBiS. And I am sure its much more than this to consider.

ted4bz says...

The thing is when the reporter asked Mr Fitzgerald about meeting with residents he said I meant with the residents. He is telling the truth, but he is talking about 5 out of 5000+, a meeting in the yard. When the reporter asked Mr Dorsett whether the residents were informed he replied we put them on city water, that tell me they know already. He told the truth, but he is talking about 5 out of 5000+ residents who complained and got it one by one. These politicians are playing residents for the record so when they are asked their answer is not an entire lie. This is self serving, not cool.

The truth is about the report, there is nothing in it that is worth reading so I don't see why they held on to a pile of papers with nothing in it, unless to doctor the report. Well that would explained why there is nothing in it to read. Its just report describing a battle between Cable Bahamas, two residents to the north and RUBiS. This report is only useful to RUBiS alone. After all it is RUBiS money that bought it. Trust me when I tell you, its not worth reading, it not worth reading, it not helpful.

ted4bz says...

We need a sign saying "No friends allowed in the work places between 9 to 5." If we can stop this, only then we will get some work done in this town.