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ted4bz says...

Governments continues to make a mess because there are people who keep holding their breath thinking that they are working to make things better. Yes they are making things better, yes better indeed for their firms, friends and families. The people who will benefit from these deals have already benefited. So don't hold your breath.

ted4bz says...

Yeah right, moved from front lines to do their magic behind the lines. These guys are hackers but they hack for people with power and wealth.

Exploits exist in these sectors and they are there to find these exploits. They don't make exploits, someone else do, they are there to find the it, watch it and let cash flood into the right places. What's wrong with that?

These guys get rich doing what they do, as long as their are exploits there will be those with cash and power willing to plug them into the system and protect them. So don't believe for a second they are going anywhere.

On McWeeney tightlipped after PM reports move

Posted 8 January 2015, 7:57 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

vat have limit the access of our dollar

For one I believe that VAT (and high prices) is a sentence of one set of Bahamian people over (in favor for) another, the wealthy Bahamians.

So what am I saying?
This rush to VAT is a security measure to protect the wealthy and their mountains of cash against the so claimed and not to save the Bahamian currency because some global agency threat, NO.

VAT will not save us from a downgrade but what it will do is stall time for the wealthy to protect them selves as they act to safeguard their millions to a more stable currency some where else. What else can explain the rush to VAT when in fact the country is ill prepared?

We do not have to wait for a downgrade or the failure of VAT to see the Bahamian currency downgraded by some global agency. Our politicians and their VAT and the high price programs did that for us already! Who can truly say that we own or have access to more than .80 cents on the dollar? We don't, and it could get worst than that.

As it stands right now we have already lost the value of our dollar, thanks to Mr Ingraham who set us up for VAT with is big spending programs that put nothing in our pockets and Mr Christie who serve us VAT and high prices.

Nothing is ever what politicians say it is. We are being used not helped.

ted4bz says...

It is to bad that most of us are willing to give politicians the benifit of the doubt only to learn later that they were being dishonest all along.

I hope not to complain pointlessly, but it eludes my senses how some of us can be so upbeat or even optimistic about the positive intention of VAT.

We speak of VAT as if it is being delivered to us by a government who have always been effective, delivering opportunities and doing things properly. When did the change take place?

We have known nothing but a careless and reckless government giving us dynamic speeches and yet committing us to nothing but more and more burdensome responsibilities.

ted4bz says...

Fred Smith is not here to help fix
our country but to find and exploit
the loop holes that exist in the
ancient law books of this country.
Instead of fixing them he is using
them to big himself up, I do not
questioning the vital talking points
he is using and and willing to
abuse, no, what I am questioning is his purpose. It is past politicians get to work or get out of the way, no more enrichingis themselves and the friends on the backs of the people and this country.

ted4bz says...

Fred Smith have three countries US, Haiti and the UK where he can run and hide when the Bahamas has come to a total mess because of people like him. He don't have any more to say than the rest of us who have been raising the exercises of these talking points for decades, it's just that he is a Johnny come lately loud mouth ready and willing to sell us all down the river for big profits, and I am sure he will.

ted4bz says...

Looking for oil put there by the 2 political parties and the 35 riches family in this country. What else you think it's doing there?

On What is oil rig doing near Abaco?

Posted 30 December 2014, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Supervalue wereone of the first stores to increase prices last year when VAT was announces. The government first asked for 15% to take care of their habits and we said no. So they said 7.5% and allowed major stores double their prices while they do nothing about it. So the government will be getting 15% after all thanks to Mr Roberts and others like him.

ted4bz says...

Most comments here are based on political spin, don't fall for it: the pilots are doing an immaculate job, not one fatality from the time Bahamasair existed. Now compare this to the politicians Bahamasair have crashed and burned a long time ago under these non-practical people who are hijacking, crashing and burning down this country.

1. The DPM is being personal and political far from being honest and professional.
2. Take Bahamasair out of control of the government, their friends and over staffing of their constituents.
3. Downsizing of Bahamasair services, routs, employees is necessary including, partnership and flight sharing with other local carriers as well as technical services to other carriers.

Bahamasair is a viable service for this country and for this country remove the politics and friendship out of it and watch profits fly.

Air Jamaica is flying wide bodies all around the world out of Jamaica while Bahamasair is struggling with a few islands and a few cities in Florida, this is dispicable. Bahamasair can exists and function very profitably, get rid of the politics out of Bahamasair and every cooperation in this country.

We seem to be in love with the foreigners so maybe it would do better with a foreign government once again!

On Deputy PM hits out at 'corporate sabotage'

Posted 30 December 2014, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Look Mr Pinder jump ship for more money, he abandoned his post without anyone behind the wheel. He did this to help himself and was praised by the PM. So why on earth should these pilots or any are of service in this country do any different?

Regardless these matter should have been settled long before now in a professional and timely manner and it should have never come down to this in any way form or fashion.

The political arina have set a bad precedents, the timing of both engineers of BEC and the pilots of BahamasAir is a question of:
1. Credibility or the inability of our politicians to manage the affairs of this country in an effective and timely manner.
2. Or, Perhaps our politicians are so busy tryimg to distract us that they are so caught up
in their own distractions that they never see whats coming?

This country is on automatic.

On [img/photos/2014/12/23/BAHA_1307.1_t670.3.jpg]

Posted 23 December 2014, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal