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ted4bz says...

It makes absolute no sense for the reporter to report fuel loaded to the aircraft without reporting the total amount of FOB (fuel on board) at the gate? Total FOB is released by the same person or company that loaded the fuel. So to ask and report fuel loaded instead of FOB would would be very poor and awkward journalism.

On Crash probe puts focus on pilots

Posted 15 December 2014, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Thats a very good story Ava, a very true story.

ted4bz says...

Many factors would have resulted to this crash, but drugs or alcohol check? Well, maybe its routine, but I don't think so, fatigue perhaps, but I believe the problem to be a desperate position based on insufficient fuel.

Lets go on the information released (by the media) such as, aircraft type, fuel and weather conditions assuming that the fog or clouds were some 300 or 400 feet from the ground. If the airport aircraft landing systems were out of service, and if the trip fuel was 160 gallons (16% fuel tank capacity) from the gate then approach and landing would have to be VOR (visual).

If this was the case, then the flight from NAS - FPO and one go around would have burn some 55% to 60% of the fuel. The remaining fuel on board would be some 40% of the fuel and would be insufficient to safely reach an alternate airport such as Nassau, Bimini or Fort Lauderdale. Returning to Nassau would have been on a wing and a prayer, but I don't see how it was possible to safely reach Nassau as an alternate airport.

If the numbers (informations) is correct you can do this calculation and test with a Flight Navigator and Microsoft Flight Simulator (it might not be exact but pretty close, much closer than feelings and speculations).

I am not trying to create assumption, but what happened is baffling. If the pilots flying this plane were not in charge and there were faith-base or back seat drivers, then the pilot could not make the decision as to what to do. This does not excuse the fact that this accident is a result of pilot error. Globally industry flight rules are simple and rules, regulations and routine safe guards do not change base on where you are. If the weather conditions were clear a visual approach would have been a routine landing. It was not.

Knowing the weather condition before leaving Nassau, the safety measure is to fuel the aircraft with as much fuel as possible to landing, at lease 20% of the fuel tank capacity. Why was it not done? This simple safe guard would have removed the desperate attempts to land instead of flying to an alternate airport. This was a flight of no return, based on the information reaching an alternate airport was a non-option.

On Crash probe puts focus on pilots

Posted 15 December 2014, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

It is wonderful that Mr Pinder found the opportunity to improve himself and his family. But he was called to a bigger mission to help improve the country's position in difficult times. Mr Pinder is gone and our position is the same, or worst.

Maybe we Bahamians can appreciate a government who leads a population of poor and naive group of people, but what about the global community? How much respect do they have for us? We don't have to look far to see that, just take a look at the respond coming in from the global community on the immigration matter.

If only our government think big that they will realize to serve one country in the capacity of a state office is an honor and privilege. If only they can see that their appointment is not one to improve their status alone but one that is much much bigger and greater that self, but one in which is to take our place in the world by earning the respect of the world.

That can only happen if we work for the common good of the entire country.
That can only begin to happen by realizing that serving the country is a great opportunity to improve the status of all the people. The opportunity to raise the country to new heights. The opportunity to create a nation of quality, pride and privilege for all and this includes Mr Ryan and his family at the same time.

Mr Ryan we can become:

1. A government that represents a nation of wealthy and intelligent race of people. Thats a quality government.

Or settle for:
2. A government that is loved by its nation of poor and ignorant race of people. That's a poor government.
3. A government that is smiled on by a wealthy and privileged minority group of individuals. That's government that no one takes seriously.

Each step down is a downgrade, so tell me Mr Pinder which should we settle for?

ted4bz says...

"Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead."

On Probe of 'abuse' by Immigration

Posted 9 December 2014, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

I am very happy that he did a lot of good in this world, yet it feels very sad.

ted4bz says...

I am just learning of this. This is the greatest leader the Bahamas have ever known, regardless to our beliefs, Pastor Myles touch and inspired so many of us. My deepest sympathy!

ted4bz says...

Likes and hits that the Tribune do not get over facts are simple, the masses are not interested in facts, you can see that in every forum. Just post foolishness, gossips and lies and hits, likes piles up to the clouds. So just go on with what you are bickering about this is not about likes or hits and this is not about you.
The day will come when Bahamians will come together over the facts, perhaps you have a problem waiting, but I don't and there are many others as well. I can wait. So we'll just go right on wasting the time we have to waist posting here and everywhere else where necessary. Wish I could pin this to the top of every page where their is silly comments for hits and likes, but enough about that.

We are sold out, and Bahamians obviously does not matter to those who can collect piles of cash, benefits, gifts and free shares from huge cooperations in exchange to waver human rights and security. This is not just a Bahamian problem it is a global problem, and our leaders are just following the lead. One day, just like the Jews we will not be in the wilderness forever, our day will come and those who ignore us now will wish that they were apart of that change.