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ted4bz says...

This is excellent work Ava. If authorities are serious, certainly they are not serious enough, often they lack will or vision and the urgency to act in a timely fashion.

I am very happy that you made references to the Movie Erin Brockovich, I suggest that more and more people watch this movie so that they can see the seriousness of chemical contaminations.

There is more, often enough underground water pipes are cracked and it is possible that the contamination from the underground water table can possibly seep into the public utility PVC underground pipes and find ways into homes, water distilleries and water bottling factories not only near the contaminated area but miles away. So in all truth, no one is safe.

Keep up the good work.

On INSIGHT: Danger - toxic hazard

Posted 29 October 2014, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Likes and hits that the Tribune do not get over facts are simple, the masses are not interested in facts, you can see that in every forum. Just post foolishness, gossips and lies and hits, likes piles up to the clouds. So just go on with what you are bickering about this is not about likes or hits and this is not about you.

The day will come when Bahamians will come together over the facts, perhaps you have a problem waiting, but I don't and there are many others as well. I can wait. So we'll just go right on wasting the time we have to waist posting here and everywhere else where necessary. Wish I could pin this to the top of every page where their is silly comments for hits and likes, but enough about that.

We are sold out, and Bahamians obviously does not matter to those who can collect piles of cash, benefits, gifts and free shares from huge cooperations in exchange to waver human rights and security. This is not just a Bahamian problem it is a global problem, and our leaders are just following the lead. One day, just like the Jews we will not be in the wilderness forever, our day will come and those who ignore us now will wish that they were apart of that change.

ted4bz says...

Good Cable Bahamas can move and escape the danger, but the area also includes the residents who did not bring this on themselves but remain stuck to the contamination and excessive airborne fumes.

ted4bz says...

Part 1C
We must all be willing to act right now. While the jury is in 'deliberation' every Bahamian man, woman and child must extend this call right now especially to:

(A). Their representatives, politicians, government officials and government departments:
1. No more reckless spending to further burden the public treasury and Bahamian people.
2. No more reckless projects that damages the jobs and Bahamian businesses such as road works project.
3. A call for more transparency and discipline in the management of public funds.
4. Wider sharing of informations and opportunities through the media and publication in a timely reasonable fashion.
5. Less red tape and bureaucratic procedures towards Bahamians.
6. More support and financial assistant to small business and startup of small business especially in farming, banking, casinos, hotels, tourism, technological and digital aspects of businesses.
7. More inclusion and wider participation of Bahamians in decision making and financial opportunities.
8. Less foreign workers and immigration work permits and more higher fees for work permits.
9. More educational programs for student scholarships and support.
10. Etc, etc (each person can add to this).

(B). The privilege class of wealthy individuals of this country to:
1. Please give extra willingly
2. Please give more noticeably
3. Please give back expeditiously

Please let us all help us save our country and save the less privileged Bahamian people especially those who are trying so very hard to rise above the hardship. Please help us help our country and our government from any such possibilities of failures. Please let us come together regardless of the political and economical divides and margins between us so that whatsoever call is made it succeeds due to our thoughtful and extended contributions.

This is my humble plea and I do so without any such political motivation but only as a concern citizen.

Ted Forbes, MHSc

ted4bz says...

Part 1B
There are some advantages as well as disadvantages and they are occurring simultaneously. Noticeably, in spite of the propaganda what remains most obvious is the disadvantages.

In every country a small group of individuals continue to prosper, presently most of them remain in advisory positions to the governing and opposition parties advising upon a tax method supported by the population including children, old-aged, ill and the dying. These people are advising their parties in their favor in attempt to protect their wealth from other methods of taxations.

As in all countries rather than sharing valuable information and opportunities with the masses, the masses are instead ignored while the politicians and governments shared the wealth with its privilege few. Yet, as always in every country the masses are called on to fix the problems caused by the politicians, their advisors, government officials and the privileged few. All Bahamians are equally fixed in the plans to share in the cost of economic burden regardless to status.

There is nothing we can do about this once it is demanded of us, but there is something we can do right now. Speak out now to avoid the possibility of:
1. Future burden placed upon us in the rush to push on us a inadequate policies.
2. Lack of oversight leading to the failures.
3. Continued abuse and reckless handling of public funds.
4. A lack of will to work together especially in times of crises (healthy financial status of our politicians, lobbing in favor or against associates, etc is a part of this ill-will).
5. Etc, etc (each person can add to this).

We are the masses but we do not command policies, the arm forces, the police and their weapons and other assets. We do not turn them upon ourselves because of the failure in political policies, rather it is the politicians that command these forces and their assets and turn them upon us because of their political failures.

ted4bz says...

Part 1A
The People's Call

In every country almost every elected official and their appointees have entered the top levels administration of governments and have expeditiously bettered:
1. Themselves,
2. Families
3. Friends and
4. Closes associates

Whether the system of government is democratic or non-democratic the disproportional practice of wealth distribution festers in the system of every state almost unabated, unscrutinized and very well protected by power and/or laws.

This form of practice has survived the ages from ancient, antiquity and perhaps as far back as prehistoric man, this practice is all but new or modern. Today this form of practice is especially noticeable in third world countries where their are no middle classes compared to first world countries where there are levels of all classes, yet the practice is not exempted but less noticeable.

As always and everywhere a small group of people take advantage of the sources of information and opportunity at the top and share the opportunity selectively. The mass population are excluded, marginalized, forgotten, made unequal and non-partners in this practice. When the country experience economical difficulties and hardship the excluded, marginalized, forgotten, unequal are remembered and made equal partners to share in the burden and responsibilities.

The Bahamas does not escape from this form of global practice. The sharing of huge economical wealth and opportunities is quite noticeable and have for decades controlled by a small group of Bahamians at the top of the financial ladder without trickling down to the average Bahamian.

Yet this practice of a few successful Bahamians is happening at:
1. Great cost and starvation to the public treasury.
2. The country resources with very little noticeable improvements.
3. Little or no benefits in the development to the entire Bahamas.
4. Little or no success to the Bahamian people.
5. Etc, etc (each person can add to this).

ted4bz says...

the people's call

Part 1 - The summery of this article

In this country a small group of individuals continue to prosper, presently most of them remain in advisory positions to the governing and opposition parties advising upon a tax method supported by the population including children, old-aged, ill and the dying. They are doing so in attempt to protect their wealth from other methods of taxations.

We must all be willing to act right now. While the jury is in 'deliberation' every Bahamian man, woman and child must extend this call right now especially to:

(A). Their representatives, the politicians, government officials and government departments:
1. No more reckless spending to further burden the public treasury and Bahamian people.
2. No more reckless projects that damages the jobs and Bahamian businesses such as road works project.
3. A call for more transparency and discipline in the management of public funds.
4. Wider sharing of information and opportunities through the media and publication in a timely reasonable fashion.
5. Less red tape and bureaucratic procedures towards Bahamians
6. More support and financial assistant to small business and startup of small business especially in farming, banking, casinos, hotels, tourism, technological and digital aspects of business.
7. More inclusion and wider participation of Bahamians in decision making and financial opportunities
8. Less foreign works and immigration permits and more higher prices for work permits
9. More educational programs for student scholarships and support.
10. Etc, etc (each person can add to this).

(B). The privilege class of wealthy individuals of this country to:
1. Please give extra willingly
2. Please give more noticeably
3. Please give back expeditiously