Comment history

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

Only in the Bahamas could the calculated destruction of a once pristine island paradise be described as "beautiful"

This unneeded and poorly thought out development will put further strain on an island whose infrastructure can't handle existing capacity at the best of times.

I've seen the development, it's disgusting and has made an unforgiveable mess of that part of Harbour Island.

Shame on the government, the developer and all involved in this horrific mess

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

We mandate helmets, seatbelts, regulate weapons, ban dangerous drugs, why wouldn't we mandate vaccines? Only an idiot wouldn't get a vaccine in the face of a worldwide pandemic that has killed >3 million people. Take a look at what's happening in India today:…

On EDITORIAL: Vaccinations and the workplace

Posted 22 April 2021, 5:50 a.m. Suggest removal

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

The damage that has been done to our society by the prosecution, persecution, jailing, fingerprinting, beating, fining of our youth because they may have imbibed in this "dangerous drug" is stupid, shortsighted and incalcualable.

Legalize the damned thing, I'd rather deal with a stoner than a drunk

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

Decades of the Bahamas abusing visitors, jailing and deporting tourists for having $1 more than $10,000 between a party of 5 or having a tiny amount of Marijuana on them and yet allowing jetski rapist thugs to run wild on the beaches of the major resorts is really going to impact and speed the destruction of the tourism sector in my country Covid or no Covid.

Punishing tourists and foreign investors for daring to come to the Bahamas while allowing this kind of abuse to continue to happen will only make matters worse

Hello government officials. There are other options for tourists and residents, taxing and abusing these people are NOT going to make them want to come here to visit and to settle, it will only drive them away which will result in LOWER tax revenues, which will result in more debt that can't be repaid

On temptedbythefruitofanother

Posted 18 November 2020, 3:18 a.m. Suggest removal

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

I read this idiotic article a few times trying to discern what the "silver lining to debt" might be. Other than a helpful explanation that a deficit is "the difference when more is being spent than received" I didn't see any other useful information.

Decades of the Bahamas abusing visitors, jailing and deporting tourists for having $1 more than $10,000 between a party of 5 or having a tiny amount of Marijuana on them and yet allowing jetski rapist thugs to run wild on the beaches of the major resorts is really going to impact and speed the destruction of the tourism sector in my country Covid or no Covid.

There is no silver lining to debt. Debt needs to be repaid and until fundamental attitudes change in this country things are only going to get worse. The Covid crisis is forcing to the above issues to the top.

Hello government officials. There are other options for tourists and residents, taxing and abusing these people are NOT going to make them want to come here to visit and to settle, it will only drive them away which will result in LOWER tax revenues, which will result in more debt that can't be repaid

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

where's his little stick that these fat clowns carry around with them when they do dey walkarounds? And why do dey uniforms nevah fit? fat gut always sticking out

Busy keeping the streets of Nassau safe from small amounts of evil marrywanna, got to love it

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

US infections completely out of control due to mismanagement by all levels of government. We don't need that here. Good and prudent move by Atlantis

On Atlantis postpones reopening

Posted 18 July 2020, 4:09 a.m. Suggest removal

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

Can we assume these criminals were charged with criminal trespass, fined and then deported from our country? Or do different rules apply to tourist law breakers than Bahamians who were denied their beach over Independence day weekend?

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

well let's face it. He has little choice in the matter. Keep the country shut down indefinitely and all but ensure bankruptcy, devaluations, etc or open up and risk pandemic overwhelming the (gulp) 10 ICU beds at PMH. What would you do?

temptedbythefruitofanother says...

If the government wants to raise significant revenue to rescue the country from debt incurred by Dorien and Covid it has to look no further than nationalizing these gambling operations.

Quite frankly it's obscene that these "webshops" are even allowed to exist in the hands of private, questionable operators. The reality is that over time, these operations have hijacked the legitimate national interests of the citizens of this country. Proceeds from a de facto national lottery, which is what "web shops" are should be returned to the citizens of the country in the form of better roads, working traffic lights, sports, education, health care etc. This is the policy of 99.99% of other countries in the world. Only in the Bahamas have we allowed this revenue stream for the government to be hijacked and diverted to the puerile and opaque interests of a handful of private operators.