Comment history

thps says...

Why does the govt need to do this? if there is that much liquidity in the market the CBA can pool together and do the same. He wants public funds to gamble on distressed properties? If a private group won't take on a risk why should the tax payer?

On Banker: Put homes above life's luxuries

Posted 8 July 2020, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

buy low....

thps says...

i only came for proudandloud's repsonse.

On PM confirms two new cases of COVID-19

Posted 8 July 2020, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Not sure what is crazier, the panic was caused by saying COVID, that BPL closed because of the panic or that the Tribune wrote on this without putting a disclaimer that this isn't a comedy section.

In July 2020, what conversation doesn't mention COVID?

On COVID scare closes BPL

Posted 8 July 2020, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

This story sounds like something out of The Onion.

Someone said COVID and caused a panic, from a casual conversation?.

On COVID scare closes BPL

Posted 7 July 2020, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Just wondering how likely a scenario do you see this happening? Not saying it will or won't. Just wondering how you grade the protocols in place.

On Tour providers fear COVID exposure

Posted 7 July 2020, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

The good thing is that the flights are very flexible now, not sure how much more flexible though. Hopefully, you can book and canal if things don't work out easily.

On Family Islands return

Posted 6 July 2020, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

I think this is a bit unfair.

People can only pontificate on what they have been told. About 300k of us don't live on Abaco so its good to share your knowledge.

Now If that's the reason then they should say. People are only reacting on what they've been told. The claimed reason form the govt was simply 'special skills' and Bahamians will be trained. If its that Bahamians just don't want to handle the work conditions, pay, then all of what they said is incorrect and they shouldn't make a false claim.

If Bahamians won't tolerate the conditions then the training story and the technical skill gap is false too because they won't be there to be trained.

I think all we need is proper clarity so your info is good to know.

thps says...

If masks are mandatory regardless why is it also mentioned for these attractions? It would imply that otherwise, they wouldn't be.

It like saying, they must have a valid business license, and the owners must not have an outstanding arrest warrant.

thps says...

I understand balancing, not the messaging.