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thps says...

He continued: “But it also depends on how this COVID-19 turns out and whether we keep seeing increased cases and don’t come up with no cure or remedies to lower the cases. That may be another issue but The Bahamas government, in my view, is prepared to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to prevent persons from coming in with it and to prevent Bahamians from getting it.”

If this is the case, then what's the warning for?

On top of that if we have 1 or 2 companies complying with the act and using covid as an excuse, seems to me that this is not much of a headline.

thps says...

Seems like the govt can easily put this to bed if they say: Here are the skills and the reason they were brought in for. Or even release the request letter.

Saying they asked for 400 and got 130 isn't a good answer.

thps says...

Hey, Bahamians don't go to the crazy US hotspot, especially Florida Califnoia NY Texas the Carolinas, for non-essential travel you may cause a spread when you return.

Hey, Americans especially from Florida Califnoia NY Texas the Carolinas, please come for non-essential travel you won't cause a spread when you return.

thps says...

20% percent better than what? year over year? Last month? YTD? June 20 v June 19? First 6mohts 20vs vs First 6 months 19? Q2 vs Q1?

thps says...


thps says...

Who do you think can dance around their opponent better, Fred Smith or Fred Mitchell. My money is on Fred Flinstone.

thps says...

2 takeaways
1) They did not apply this warning approach to the curfews as they do with the masks. Persons were getting prosecuted but here, hey you mask on.
2) In less than 2 weeks, not only did they find an MP named Carlton Bowleg, but they discovered another one named Ricky Mackey.

thps says...

I hope the government isn't using trying to follow the notes left from the 2012-17 playbook on governance. If so we're in more problems than I thought.

thps says...

Airbnb where they will get temperature checks daily from this heat outside.

On Atlantis delays opening to July 30

Posted 30 June 2020, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

I am with you 100% it's a difficult decision.
I don't criticize the decision, its the statement.

If on the one hand, he says don't travel because you can cause community spread and its dangerous, is he telling tourists the same?

A Bahamian going and coming back with a negative test is no diff form a tourist doing the same or Bahamians traveling back home the same.

He mentioned that they can cause community spread, worsen the economy, and potentially put us back in lockdown. Well, what confidence that gives to persons regarding tourists coming from those very places or returning residents coming from those places.