Comment history

thps says...

This number is also inflated. In fact, Gowan Bowe was speaking to how Fidelity was not in the business of giving blank deferrals as the other banks did. So what is the actual number that was requested by clients is what needs to be reported.…

thps says...

19m dollars...the budget for the Attorney General's office.

All of the lawyers in the OAG, all of the ministers, the PM, the MPs, and no one bothered to read.

If we can't get simple dates right, what about complicated issues.

The same OAG was told from a Judge Ferguson-Pratt

" That’s criminal law 101." and to the prosecution "That was not anticipated? Madam prosecutor, this is your case.”

How much leeway will the crown give you when you tell them you forgot to wear your mask? The AG himself can't remember when his order was ending! I hope 19m will buy them a sticky note.

thps says...

Great to see him in shape. See you in Tokyo.

thps says...

This was the point I raised. How is it safe for persons to come in and dangerous for Bahamians who are here to go to those very places and come back. Makes no sense.

thps says...

"You could bring the virus home and community spread could start again. Let me be as clear as I can: your actions can damage the health of others and your actions could help worsen our economy if we have to lockdown again.”"

If we are advising Bahamians not to travel if they don't have to because they can bring it )even though there are protocols in place), I take it we've asked tourists to not either.

A tourist traveling in taking a test or quarantining poses risks, varied but risks, just as a Bahamian traveling and either taking a test or quarantining.

thps says...

So he expects double numbers? Double from what? last years? So he expects 14m tourists?

On Union chief: 2020 a tourism write-off

Posted 26 June 2020, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

At least he is saying they are over-estimating the deficit (since it isn't even in force yet that's all he can be saying). The first rule in providing someone an estimate is to not tell them you think that's it's not all that accurate.

But if I were him, I would avoid trying to claim victory on estimates.

In Mid March:: "While the extent of the impact of the COVID-19 on the Bahamian economy is still unfolding, the plan is to....reprioritize expenditure to remain within the limits of the recently revised borrowing envelope for the current fiscal year...Simply put, we have no plans to request additional borrowings at this time, as we are diligently managing the country’s debt levels"

The final deficit for the FY2019/20 came over 100m higher than the 677m revised number in the mid-year. Which of course was revised up after Dorian, lump-sum payments, purchasing of hotels and increases.

So never say never.

thps says...

more bad news

thps says...

So what will be the final cost of us holding the hotel? Surely not 60m dollars.
If the deal is not done yet, they better hurry, all RCL need is a Carnival like debt downgrade or two for their board to reconsider such investments.

thps says...

Is Pinder for real? time and time again persons in leadership have been overestimating the economy.

At a certain point whatever propping up is occurring will end.

Pinder admits as much and hopes by September the cruises come to the rescue.

September is a slow month and the cruises won't sail till September the earliest, and the NCP has already said that nothing is happening until later. Even if they do how would the cruises help the hotels he listed, worse if they come at reduced capacity?

On top of that many of the hotels have said they won't open until October - December.

What gives him, the Director of Labour, any indication that September all will be good.

We should be making decisions on data, not blind hope.