Comment history

thps says...

it's likely in the term sheet, its bites but probably not dishonest.

thps says...

This is why i mentioned in the other post that Sept seemed too early to me.

thps says...

Yes....Yes and Yes.

thps says...

This highlights the bad system.
The govt needs to take this opportunity to speed up the total revamping of the system.

thps says...

Agreed. The underlying issue here is that we have a poor bus system.

thps says...

It depends on their projections and they should show a chart justifying the request.

A business has fixed and variables.
Fixed costs don't change whether they run or not.
Variables costs does change while operating.
There is a payback number which for them would equate to X passengers per trip.

So say the costs of burning gas and wear on your bus is more than the cost of only picking up 1/2 the customers. Its cheaper to keep your bus parked.

Again not saying this is the case with Jitneys but its the case with different businesses.

Hotels are a good example. Many of them arent opening until Fall or Winter because its cheaper now to stay closed and pay some bills than to bring back staff, put costs in motion for a few customers.

thps says...

As long as they hold Aliv the won't. They won't want to water down its value.

All things equal, in terms of the consumer, there is no need for the government to dictate how many. The best will win, the worst will get weeded out.

On No third mobile firm before 2022

Posted 22 June 2020, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Our leaders have already said no need for mass/more tests and contact tracing is enough.


Posted 22 June 2020, 8:35 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Sept even sounds optimistic to me.

On Sept 15 earliest cruise lines return

Posted 22 June 2020, 8:32 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

The policy is all over the place.

When NYC and Was and Cali were hotspots, we didn't restrict flights from the US but restricted flights from a list of places (most didn't have direct flights). and allowed cruises and spring breakers in from the US.

So we have a spike in US cases. If you were to amend your policy based on the spike in US cases you would think it would be for US travelers. But the policy seems to apply to, for example, to direct flights from Toronto or London.

So the person coming from Cayman on the same BA flight from London needs to quarantine, but the person coming from London needs a negative test and both are on the same plane.

...and all because of a US spike in cases?

On Carib visitors to face quarantine

Posted 19 June 2020, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal