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thps says...

"She said travelLers from those areas will instead be quarantined on arrival because COVID-19 tests are not available in their countries.

The countries this policy affects include Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia and Turks and Caicos islands."

Cayman has performed 19,336 tests of 65,000 people

Maybe the article means to say "because Covid-19 tests cant easily be obtained on demand if someone wants to take a vacation"....perhaps that is what this means.

On Carib visitors to face quarantine

Posted 19 June 2020, 9:19 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

On one hand, they criticize for going outside The Bahamas for funding (LPIA), on the other hand they applaud getting funding in The Bahamas (NCP), now they go back to the international market for all of the funding.

I know they won't get all locally but they could have tossed some for local investors.

Wherever the wind blows I guess.

On BPL’s $535m bond in Singapore listing

Posted 18 June 2020, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Not sure, but from the start John you were absolutely spot on in your analysis in February that tourism would be hammered from Coivd-19 when our leaders were talking about 85% occupancy next year. Maybe you should be advising the govt.

So you may be on to something here again.

thps says...

We can't talk cruises if this rule is in place.

My guess is this is going to be temporary.

If the issue is the US, does this mean, flights from the UK, Cayman, Haiti, Canada, and other places do not need a test?

The Minister has no idea how many deaths we would have had. You cant take a place like The Bahamas with its own industries, population density, etc, and then apply it to x US state.

A simple example: Many cases in the US are linked to farms, factories, etc. These are businesses that stayed open during the entire pandemic in the US. Making, shipping, and packaging farming and sending stuff to us.

So imagine if the US shuttered those places and decided it wasn't worth the risk and sent nothing out to places like The Bahamas.
Imagine if the US prevented interstate travel. Most things are trucked around, a trucker stops at hotels and rest stops before goods arrive here.

Point being, the US and other countries keeping certain industries open allowed us to keep other things closed.

"As a country, we have fared far better than all of the states in the United States in terms of keeping our people safe and alive"

I don't know how he claims all states
Alaska = 12 deaths pf 731,545 population
Montana 18 deaths of 1,060,000 populaton

Let's take an archipelago Hawaii.

Hawaii 17 deaths of 1.4m population
Bahamas 11 deaths of 380,000 population

So the Bahamas has more deaths per 100,000 than those states.

Now if he wants to look at total cases too in the above states

Hawaii has 744 total cases but has performed 74,000+ tests.
We have 104 total cases but have performed 2,000 tests.

So i don't know where he gets all states from.

thps says...

in a world fo 7billion, i can find you quite a bit.

The number of people doing things during a pandemic that arent advisable is bigger than you think.

thps says...

I've heard persons around the world with the same story. They have the symptoms they test negative.

Some of the US ones are also imported. Take Maryland where Gov. Hogan used his wife' South Korea connections to get test 1/2 million kits. S. Korea is one of the world leaders in producing test kits.

thps says...

For how long?

This means no cruises.

Unless the cruises will have everyone present a negative test...doubt it.

.... a consequence of an overly dependent tourism economy

thps says...

I have a hotel to sell him if he thinks we are not going to see increased taxes sooner or later.

ALL government taxes you see today started off small and just to pay something. They then balloon and become permanent.

The government in no way will cut spending that's required. Further, we need gang busting growth over and above anything we've seen to get the revenues in. The bills will come due!

Does anyone want to partner with me to sell him a bankrupt hotel?

On 'Too early' to decide new/increased taxes

Posted 17 June 2020, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

A few years ago when D'Aguilar was a businessman he would have a full story laughing at an idiotic statement made by whoever Minister would have said that.

I'll use that as an excuse the next time the govt passes another emergency order.

What officer?, We have 7,000 islands, rocks, cays and bush. First time I hear we on lockdown.

thps says...

Isnt there a station right there.

ring ring..

hello this is the Fish Fry Police Station

Can you please enforce the order on the fry.

What order, i een order no food.

The emergency orders officer, the mask, and the distance part.

Right after i finish eating my scorch salad.