Comment history

thps says...

Anyone can catch it but only a certain group are potential data cases. Of course. Of course at-risk people can catch it as well.

thps says...

Congrats to all.

On King takes command at RBDF

Posted 22 May 2020, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

The headline has been fixed.

On 273,000 emergency meals served

Posted 22 May 2020, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

This is why you fix your house before the hurricane.

Thankfully this article came out because there are many like stories out there where economic activity is being choked because of slow govt preparation going into this and poor systems going into the pandemic. What we needed was better structural issues prior and quicker pivoting by every agency going in. I don't mean just in the days before the lockdown but in the weeks and months and years prior.

When the storm comes it's too late. The government has had many many years over many administrations to get things fixed. We pay millions on new systems and they are never fully online and then pay the price later.

This is new for everyone yet some of our competitors had many of these same systems up before the pandemic so business continued. Private organizations in most cases got up to speed at a faster pace than govt. As I mentioned it was telling that a headline story was that the BDB was executing documents electronically and half is staff is working from home. This should be expected not headline news.

Every Ministry has a Minster and a PS. Depts have directors, assistants, etc etc etc. Why wasn't everyone's upper management rushing to get these things fixed as a priority between January and March is anyone's guess. Not to mention why these systems which many are new weren't fully online.

Poor planning for a private company means going out of business. The govt doesn't suffer the same fate for being slow. So we have to demand more and better.

On Govt agencies' IT 'drag' in COVID-19

Posted 22 May 2020, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Or call 311 since emergencies do arise.

It strikes me a strange that he (Bethel) disagrees with the punishment but puts it on the judges. The judges sure can be more lenient, but so can the police, the prosecutor, and the lawmaker


On Courts urged: Have a heart

Posted 21 May 2020, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Where does Paris require you to stop using fossil fuel? I read Paris to limit the increase in global temperatures. and establishes targets to reduce global warming/climate change.

Natural Gas would assist in that it produces the lowest amount of CO2 than any Fossil fuel. So BPL's NP plants would essentially be producing much less C02 than if they're using ADO and Bunker C.
Below is the C02 emissions by fuel type:
Source US EIA:

Pounds of CO2 emitted per million British thermal units (Btu) of energy for various fuels

Coal (anthracite) 228.6
Coal (bituminous) 205.7
Coal (lignite) 215.4
Coal (subbituminous) 214.3
Diesel fuel and heating oil 161.3
Gasoline (without ethanol)
Propane 139.0
Natural gas 117.0

On BPL-Shell deal has issues to resolve

Posted 21 May 2020, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

“The government cannot instruct them on what to do, cannot direct on what to do and what to say so it’s incumbent on them to deal with these cases with a measured approach."

Are these cases civil or criminal?

If they're criminal isn't it the crown who brings these cases?
Can't the crown decline to prosecute the case?
If they don't want to take that route, can't the law provide judges with wide-ranging discretion on penalties?
Can't the government use about 2 months worth of data on persons who break the rules and amend them to be more 'compassionate' based on these cases?
Can't guidance be given to the police?

His answer is to blame the judges and say the state who implements, policies, and prosecutors the rule hands are tied.

Seems like a cake and eat it too situation.

On Courts urged: Have a heart

Posted 21 May 2020, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

I think it's obvious there are mixed motives in reopenings

If he says, partly by the cabinet, part economic and part health, part pressure by an MP, I have lots of broke people on that island, part election, part guessing, part science, etc that would be the complete honest answer.

Though the reasons are always 'guided by health...'.

It seems like with the crabbing story many can argue their economic well being is at risk, particularly those on the other family islands.

We can assume, whatever issue exists in Exuma, may exist in Andros or the other islands which have opened.

Plus as someone mentioned the borders are closed. So European flights? Which European Flights are coming to the Bahamas?

thps says...

Make no mistake. All MPs have their re-election in mind.

thps says...

We've done t2 yesterday. We've tested 168 over the past 6 days for an average of 28. and we've been trending below the average. lately. So either fewer persons presenting and therefore less testing and contract trace testing.

Or we just don't have the test kits to do widescale testing.

Bahamas total tests looking at the MOH data

1838 on the 19th


1826 on the 18th


1814 on the 17th


1794 on the 16th


1747 on the 15th


1700 on the 14th


1670 on the 13th