Comment history

thps says...

Consolidated Water probably wishes it never heard of WSC.

thps says...

Congrats, there is lots of liquidity and appetite for yield.
My guess, pension funds swooped in and gobbled this up.
Those who sat on loads of cash looking for returns filled in the blanks.

On In the bag - Global has port funding

Posted 18 May 2020, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...


Though, you know it tells you about our state of affairs when its national news that an organization can sign and execute documents electronically. My reading from this is if this is news, many of their peers in govt are behind.

thps says...

It would be good for a survey to be done to find out the percentages of persons working from home both private and public.

The poster is correct, all organizations need to adjust and adapt quickly.

thps says...

Can the OPM/MOH please add the daily number of tests and the number of newly confirmed cases.
Quick math:
1653 yesterday
1670 today


17 tests performed.
1 new confirmed case

thps says...

I was worried but after these statements I'm now comforted.

"Notwithstanding the fact that we had to load shed…if you check the record, this summer has still been better than any of the five summers under the former administration, any of them,” Bannister said."

This came days after BPL chairman Donovan Moxey told the Nassau Guardian the company did not anticipate any load shedding this summer. “We don’t expect any load shedding,” Mr Moxey said last week.

Both quotes came in 2019. Both quotes before the worst summer in BPL history.

Maybe we have no more problems, maybe we have tremendous problems. If I were them, I'd just stick to not making promises and tell persons to not listen to promises, otherwise, I have a bridge to sell on Spanish Wells.

thps says...

All the best Doc.

But avoid making grand promises.

We've seen these before.

thps says...

this concerns me.

"In terms of foreign currency approvals for current account payments, amounts authorised for non-oil merchandise and credit/debit cards totalled a combined $2.6bn, and outflows for service payments (including transportation, royalty and franchise fees) accounted for $1.6bn," the Central Bank added."

so then add oil purchases.

Can the current FX reserves support that? Is the solution to borrow in USD? If you do, the price you'd have to pay on the market would be high and is only for temporary spending.

I hope we're wrong and Rolle has rabbits in his hat.

thps says...

sheeprunner12 you are a fair and level poster on the site I think it's not fair to tell persons to not critique. If received properly you improve.

These are the exact times you need to place checks on the govt. If they end up being correct, then fine. I hear the excuse, that this is new etc. That's the point in a new situation one should be open to all ideas criticisms and praise. Its how you get better. The govt recognized as much with their feedback page.

I think based on the following you'd agree that it is fair to criticize:

"No justification for these promotions ………. strike 3, two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning against the FNM government ……… not looking good for them in 2022."

"Prime case of a Third World government ………. in action"

"KPT better say what the economic plan is to tide us over for the next SIX months ….. You cant just keep people under curfew and BILLS are still piling up and NO salaries are coming in ......….. And no money are left in the banks for most of our citizens."

"Minnis should have found this courage to impose this Emergency Order with Dorian ……… when potentially 1000 people were sucked out of the Mudd and Pigeon Peas …….. But we are doing it with a "virus" that may not even turn out to be about our health at all …… SMT"

thps says...

Jack for PM