Comment history

thps says...

“We are allowing the taxis to operate because I think it’s evident you have three or four persons in taxi verses 30 or 40 inside a bus."

Het comparing a bus at capacity vs. other modes of transport not at capacity?

He should be comparing intended capacity then assess the risk. of spread.

On COVID phased approach will rely on metrics

Posted 28 August 2020, 10:18 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

BahamasAir Financial State Very Rough:
Now I thought the Tribune was a news site.

thps says...

GB was given notice. The issue was no notice being given.

They can't even get their spin right.

On Lockdowns have worked for us, says Thompson

Posted 25 August 2020, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

"“We have family members and those who would’ve taken the public transportation system normally obviously, will be able to get assistance from family members and others who would be able to drive them to the requisite places that they would need to go.”"

Renward Wells.

On PM's address 'struck the COVID-9 balance'

Posted 25 August 2020, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Doctors saying the way to save lives is a combination of no food water and meds

Must be 2020.

thps says...

Bad data has it all mix up like conch salad.

On 14 new cases of COVID-19, two deaths

Posted 24 August 2020, 9:47 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

sip sip on the grape vine:
The person who was counting BahamssAir's 3.5 but actual 7m dollar monthly loss is also tabulating COVID-19 data.

thps says...

Raymond Wells came in and told them the X meant to multiply and + means to add.

The data is now fixed.
At least they don't have things like a balance of payments, foreign currency reserves, 30k civil servants to pay a 10b debt to manage, 1.5b NIB fund and a 10b economy to navigate.

If i understand the PM:
The data told him:

In 3 days call a press conference at 8 pm

Have an immediate lockdown

Don't give the people a chance to get essentials for a 7 day period

Disregard a potential hurricane

Don't let the persons responsible for enforcing the lockdown know to get ready

Tell them to use a hotline that wasn't ready

Don't tell the persons who were supposed to give food during the lockdown

Allow construction during the lockdown as they are immune non-carriers and more essential than water

To kill two birds with one stone, don't allow their suppliers to open this way they have no concrete to pour and no water to drink

This data is solid. It's so solid if they complain about the stupidity of it all, reverse it the next day and blame the hurricane and then wait for Raymond and Merceline to come in and tell you how it was all wrong.

thps says...

"s that the curfews and lockdowns are trying to stop, to limit the opportunity for the virus to spread."

Is covid less likely to spread in a prison cell?

thps says...

They didn't care about testing early and now we are paying the price late. If you fail to plan...

No one can accuse you of hindsight...You have been preaching this for months.