Comment history

thps says...

"The minister said the feeding programme is in keeping with government's mandate to provide emergency food assistance to vulnerable Bahamians and residents impacted by COVID-19."

The same govt who wanted to lock Nassau down with no notice who didn't care for how persons were going to eat or drink?

thps says...

Joke of the day.

thps says...

Or how our new cases were down 40%.
Maybe Doc locked us down to find the 40% decrease in weekly new cases and the other 50% a month underestimate.

thps says...

So we have a Chairman Minister Director and entire Company who doesn't know that the cost to run a business is not just its payroll?

Are we surprised anymore?

Doesn't he like to tell us he is an accountant?

You really can't make this up.

thps says...

I like Culmer, most persons charge for standup comedy routines, he does them for free.

People are giving advice. Is the Pm listening?

We've complained about a no notice lockdown when the first one came.
He does it again but this time extends it for 7 days.

We've complained about allowing suppliers time to restock before reopening and he didn't allow them to do so again.

He received thousands of proposals according to him with suggestions. How many have been implemented? How many have been ignored in the latest series of events?

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.”

On Culmer insists no division in Cabinet

Posted 21 August 2020, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

They went to John Pinder's school of projecting employment scenarios.

On Tourism chief looking to an October upturn

Posted 20 August 2020, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Best of luck but please do not be so optimistic. We've watched a similar movie before.

On Tourism chief looking to an October upturn

Posted 20 August 2020, 5:31 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

please tell me that this and the Henchel interview is actually the debut of the Tribune's comic section.

thps says...

rather OAG.

On Munroe to file more legal action against PM

Posted 20 August 2020, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Each power exercised by the government needs to be lawful.
If the government made no error the courts will rule as such.
If the government didn't gazette the order or is breaking a rule of law, then they are at fault.

Our system allows for the executive to be challenged.

If Munroe's case is valid it means the government erred in the view of the judiciary and it wrongly exercised its powers.

If he loses, no harm and the government continues and can point to the court as affirming its powers. It also holds the government to account. if it knows that QCs are out there examining the lawfulness then they will be more likely to double and triple-check their orders. The government has an army of lawyers in the OPM. An average citizen does not.

On Munroe to file more legal action against PM

Posted 20 August 2020, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal