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thps says...

All we need is a James Smith, Rupert Roberts and Robert Myers panel hosted by Rick Lowe and sponsored by Mario Carey.

On Construction re-open averts 'complete halt'

Posted 19 August 2020, 6:49 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

Please dont lick doorknobs.

thps says...

If we can't see the results of the lockdown until later how do we judge the effect of this 7-day adventure come Sunday? What metrics will he use?

thps says...

You are right. There are just ways to do things and this is not one of them.

He would have persons on board with him had he allowed for those to get prepared. Persons would have been more willing to ride it out.

Now we get news of this group or the other with a pass. It undermines the message and breeds suspicion.

thps says...

Good to know. Some places using WhatsApp is worse than calling.

thps says...

Maybe all essential workers keep their cars full of gas. Maybe everyone out there being asked to go out can fix their own cars or manufacture their own car parts.

The govt cant plan their own 311 call center for a lockdown they planned for and expects persons to plan for a lockdown they don't?

Even the ordinary person who stocks up will run out of certain items faster than others. There are items here and there that you need that occasionally step out and get. Not to a big supermarket but the little mom and pop.

Also, not everyone goes to the supermarket. Many order groceries or go to a little store. Even this is banned. There are those who may be working but are paycheck to paycheck and can only stock up a bit. Those people will still need some items.

So not everyone who is disadvantaged is in and out "every other day". There are shops with no one in them near a persons house and they may have planned on grabbing some things on their way home to supplement what they had. Many are persons doing the right thing, staying at home ordering where they can, grabbing a few things when they are out, and they are stuck as well.

So here is what is going to happen. Unless something changes, when food stores open up there will be massive lines of people buying groceries who were low and persons stocking up to avoid getting left out in case they do this again.

COVID-19 will send its regards.

thps says...

Did they not plan for this?
You would assume if this was in your back pocket you would have planned.
It's not like they don't have thousands of public service workers available.

thps says...

Other countries have without noticed stopped people from acquiring essentials? Even Wuhan allowed delivery during its most draconian days

thps says...

Construction workers and funeral services.

thps says...
