Comment history

thps says...

Dr Brenen said Friday morning that the Pm would make buying water and food illegal for a week? Strange I missed that.

thps says...

I bet Dr. Minnis and friends have their supply.

thps says...

As a JP who specializes in small funerals, and has a side job building houses with a consulting business as a part-time transaction specialist and early morning exerciser I see that I am immune from Covid..

I don't know what everyone is complaining about.

I'm donating my blood for science in exchange for groceries and cement this week.

thps says...

Lets look at the non-Rocket Scientists who couldn't see what was evident.

Robert Shamosh, Holistica Destinations’ chief executive, in an e-mailed response to Tribune Business inquiries reaffirmed the company’s “commitment” to proceeding with an investment deemed vital to reversing Freeport’s years of economic and tourism decline despite COVID-19’s shutdown of the cruise ship industry.

June 15
“By 2022 we ought to be back into single digit unemployment; the end of 2022,” he argued. “There are a number of anchor projects on stream. There’s a huge project in Grand Bahama with Carnival’s cruise port, and Royal Caribbean and ITM at the Grand Lucayan.”
John Pinder

June 16
“Because of COVID they made some adjustment to the timeline and we expect that very shortly they will begin the process of redevelopment of the hotel and committing to an environmental impact assessment with the new cruise port.”
Kwasi Thompson

June 2
A Cabinet minister yesterday said “it’s full steam ahead” on the Grand Lucayan’s redevelopment even though the ITM/Royal Caribbean joint venture is seeking “certain proposed revisions” to the deal.
Dionisio D’Aguilar

If it was so clear then why would these officials make such rosy statements?

On COVID alters Grand Lucayan agreement

Posted 17 August 2020, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

She's not crazy but she was incorrect. She said there was a weekly 40% decrease in new cases during the surge. Even if I ask my little nephew who is learning percentages to run the numbers, he can't find it.

On 133 new COVID-19 cases reported on Saturday

Posted 16 August 2020, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

The prisoners have sense they eating better than most people right now!

thps says...

This clears most of it up.

The story doesn't say why they didn't do anything regarding the non-police in there, or what they intend to do about it. The story also doesn't say if they went through the formality of getting an explicit exemption by the competent authority.

If they do have an explicit exemption from the competent authority, then the question would be why when the officers go there they don't enforce the fact that they are only allowed to the service to the police.

thps says...

While he is at it, he can direct his advice to the cabinet. The government is one of the worst offenders.

thps says...

Rather a full line by line analysis of the article?

The highlight of the story is the police as the headline and photo, 1st 2nd, and 3rd lines, and the focus of the story is.

No one walks out of a movie and say, "I know Morgan Freeman was funny but what do you think about those hilarious extras"

thps says...

Look at the bright side, maybe they received an exemption. You know those exemptions that allow the requestor to be open doing the same thing as others who are closed.