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tom1912 says...

Oh dear what a lot of Foolishness is being spouted on this topic.
Let's have some genuine factvbase options

The evidence is that there are no more blood clots happening as is normal for a given population in non covid times.

In the U.K. there has been only 30 cases of blood clots for every 1,000,000 million of the population injected no more than there would be if they were not injected.

The Oxford / Astra Zeneca trials funny enough showed that there were more occurrence of blood clots with the those who were given the placebo!

Astra Zeneca, certainly were selling the does at cost in the U.K. as the Oxford researchers were subsidised by the UK Government!

As to the Europeans, well Geopoliticals enter the arena, the EU having cocked up their procurment of vaccines never mind the loose and late contract arrangement they made with Astra Zeneca a "U.K" - Swedish company and the success of the UK vaccine roll out as apposed to the dismal efforts of the Europeans, the general feeling is that the various European leaders jump on the blood clot nonsense to cover their backsides with the implication that they were being cautious even though the odds of dying in Europe of Covid 19 is far greater than any blood clots!
The updated news is that the European country leaders are backing down and will start using
the vaccine unfortunately they have scared the population with their pontification to the extent they will be reluctant again ( It happened when Macron opened his mouth with total rubbish)

On No evidence vaccine behind blood clots

Posted 17 March 2021, 3:07 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

If your statement :-

"Your own constant use of the term Hogs is an insult to normal citizens of every colour and every country. It might be the case that you yourself have racist views*

is directed at me and not the author of the article" I was being facetious implying that all slave traders of what every colour cred or ethnicity are Hogs, pigs whatever, and the author was being myopic, sorry if you misunderstood

On White privilege and slavery

Posted 15 March 2021, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

The author seems to not to know that the morjority of citizen not the well off leaders in the countries that traded in slaves to the americas an others who also traded slaves of many hues in all parts of the world over the the eons, were treated as serfs and their lifes were cheap, that includes all of "White Hog" Europeans, as well as the Middle East, and Asia!
African tribes regularly took slaves of other tribes with in their not only within the immediate vicinity as well as north south, east west.
There was still slavery going on in parts of the Arabian Penisular into the 1960s, never mind all those Rastafarian Bahamians revering Haile Selassie when Ethiopia was one of the last bastions of slavery under his reign in the late 1930s one of the excuses Mussolini used to invade the country.
The whole world has been engaged in slavery and was the norm for hundreds of years not just "White Hogs" but "Black Hogs", "Red Hogs", "Coloured Hogs","Yellow hogs" " Sallow Hogs"
etc etc!
It's my opinion that the author is blinked never mind judging and applying the white/black race issue of the present day USA to the rest of the world! IMHO.

On White privilege and slavery

Posted 15 March 2021, 6:12 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

You real must check what's going on before you put pen to paper.
The UK regulator worked with both Pfizer and Oxford AZ during their trials as opposed to the normal procedure of reviewing the data at the end of the process thus cutting out the delays.
Over 10milion residence in the U.K. over the age of 70 have been injected with no adverse effect from ether The Pfizer and AZ first dose, in fact because of these injections the infection rate has dropped in those age groups very fast!
Also The EU regulators has approved the AZ for all age groups, certain European countries no doubt as a fit of peak, because of the EU's incompetents delayed the advance ordering the required doses, decided to not use the AV for over 65, disputed the data an emperical evidence!
The evidence now available is that the AV injection will still reduce the effects of the SA strain!
So please double check what you saying before promulgating misinformation!

On Vaccines for over-70s

Posted 9 February 2021, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

It's a pandemic in case you didn't realise! :-p

tom1912 says...

Word in the UK is the Russians hacked Oxford University, vaccine research :-)

tom1912 says...

That's Minnis not AV if he is foolish to go that way don't blame AV
For the record the UK Government financed the Oxford University to carry out the research and agreed that AV make it and distribute it!

tom1912 says...

You see what happened with the Covid-19 pandemic in the USA when a Country puts reliance in private heath care for the general public, no joined up think and millions of deaths!

On NHI: We’ll protect 90% of Bahamians by 2025

Posted 4 February 2021, 7:18 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

The article above says
THE country is expected to receive up to 100,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine beginning the second half of this month through the second quarter of 2021, the Office of the Prime Minister has announced.

It is both!

tom1912 says...

The Oxford vaccine process was on the one that was devised to combat ebola in Africa.
NB the UK's publication The Lancet is saying that the Russian Sputnik V efficacy is very good too, they seem to be confident with the evidence that has been offered on it, bearing in mind the general distrust in the U.K. of anything the Russians say!