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tom1912 says...

Tribanon- Aggressive Sales - Rubbish

The Oxford AV vaccine is being sold at cost unlike the US one!

tom1912 says...

According to AstraZeneca itself, the efficacy rate of its vaccine is only about 62% compared to 90%+ for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

That's not quite correct that % is for the first dose an as I said above all UK +70 and + 80s of all races, recent tests on those age groups who have recieved the first does show efficacy of up to 75% before the 2nd dose !
The Pfizer efficacy of 90% is after the second dose not the first!
It is best to get facts an up to date information before ponticating.

tom1912 says...

Exactly it's the Europeans having a fit of peak becuase the EU's incompent
commisoners cocked up in their ordering the AZ Oxford vaccine , in fact the up to date news is that those in their 7Os and 80s in the U.K. who have had their first dose, tests have shown in blood tests that it is up to 66 to 70 % effective in not only preventing a full on Covid-19 infection but also spreading it, something the Pfizer one has yet to prove on its first dose.

tom1912 says...

IMF umm isn't that the organisation that is run by a ex French Finace minister who I believe has been convicted of negligence in a French Court while in charge of the French Finance Ministry and I believe, I stand to be corrected, but aren't the salaries and gold plated pensions income tax free!
She like, the now exposed incompetent bullying EU commisoners are debunked politicians sent out to pasture, but unfortunately into powerful positions!
Eh aren't the EU bullying the Bahamas? ;-)

On Govt ‘discussing’ income tax reform

Posted 1 February 2021, 8:18 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

The facts are that they were not near fatal and that each person concerned had several alleges and recovered quickly!

tom1912 says...

What about the Africans still enslaved by tribal leaders. Never mind families selling thier children into slave labour spraying crops with insecticides with out protection in West Africa.
Then their is all the black/white/coloured slavery conducted throughout the Western World at the moment for cheap labour and prostitution!

Bearing in mind the Rastafarians are really a cult that does not have a worldwide spread and has an affinity to Ethiopia, which can hardly be consider a free country even when their idol/ prophet Hali Selassie was alive [ Never mind he never used Cannabis]
Hey but the music was/is very good!

Congraulations go to Benin whose recent memorials/monuments with respect to slavery clearly show the implicit contribution of the tribal leaders of the time in west africa to the slavery trade.

Black Bahamians as my wife will say, are Bahamians not Africans, nor are they Black Americans!

These people seeking repatriation never never mind reparations need to address the problems of today not regurgitating-the past.

Being an White UK national I can't wait for the Germans, Swedes,Danish, Norwegians, French never mind the Italians to allow me to be one of their nationals or better still I think reparations would suit me better, for the slavery and serfdom they put my ancestors too! Perhaps the Rastafarians would fight my cause too! :-)

tom1912 says...

It is also a tad expensive to send money to the Bahamas, everybody has their hands in your pockets at every move!
Unfortunately *Transferwise* is not operating in the Bahamas a very fast and safe way to transfer funds internationally!
They work on having accounts in reputable banks in the countries which the transfers are being made between, you credit their account with local currency in your country they convert and transfer internationally to their account in the recipients country of residence and then transfer to the recipients account in their country of residence in the the local currency, they ttake debit as well as credit cards. Their fees are a bear minimum and there conversation rates
are just about the commercial market exchange rate.

PS. plenty of crumpet [ Go for unadulerated English ones] images on Pinterest, lovely toasted and spread with butter which melts into the perforation, not a rich man/woman's :-) food though!

tom1912 says...

It is only financially viable in urban areas and main industrial complexes. Most super HV cabling overhead is already on strong pylons that can stand most strong winds.
In the 1950s the Centre of Nassau had overhead 10-13kV power lines and yet most of the city centre is devoid of HV power cables so someone thought it viable there, sometime later.

Think of the work that it would provide the locals, no major skills required, if staged over several years thus spreading the financial outlay.
With today's modern steerable horizontal drilling technics,only small access trenches required for the cutting end of the drill equipment. [Assuming the various other utilities have the locations an inverts of networks correctly recorded of course ;-) ], would result in less disruption to pedestrian and road traffic. This system is used for installing gas mains and local networks in the U.K. [polypropylene pipes] Limestone would not be a problem.

Using a grid system and local ring main units to very local substation [ Not transformers hanging on wooden poles] would mean any outages due damage or a failure would mean a small area being affected by a power cut.

As I think every one knows investment in infrastructure is key to a nation's prosperity,

The unfortunate problem is not technical or financial but the politicians, while their only main skill is rhetoric and the desire for power along with reliance on the short term memories of the voters, think short term i.e upto their 5 year term and see no votes in investing in the future
Remember as the old PM Harold Wilson [ Before Bahamas independence ] said "A week in politics is a long time"
My apologies to those few altruistic politicians that may exist.

tom1912 says...

Swamp land and flooding is not a problem with underground XPLE HT cables in ducts [For easy replacement] all cable jointing is kept at a minimum to keep the impedance low and are of course water proof, as long as terminations to sub stations are above ground.
Let's face it, a good proportion of the internet network is via undersea cables and that is in one of the most challenging environments.
Yes it cost money and a lot of disruption but how much does it cost to make the repairs and business down time every year maybe more than once in a year never mind the danger of down power lines in wet and flooded streets. Let's face it most of Nassau looks like a cats cradle, and in place danerious.

tom1912 says...

I can never understand why countries in regular hurricane areas go the short term cheap way of running local area grids 10 - 30 kV above ground on poles along with pole mounted transformers [The Crap US system] it make sense in rural areas but not urban ones like Nassau and most of New Provedence. It's Typical short term band aid thinking.
The Bahamas needs to bite the bullet and spend on underground cables and sub stations[built above any anticipated regular flood levels]
It is a big initial financial out lay I guess however a lot less than the decade costs of
repair a replacement after every hurricane, never mind to the benefit of the population and
business and of course despensung with all those ugly poles and cables never mind tree trimming!