Comment history

tom1912 says...

Below links is rather enlightening look at "Mr" Bickles from some time back in Barbados, even if only half of it is true it would indicate that he is not worth listen too an appears to be self serving!…

tom1912 says...


tom1912 says...

I refer to my post on repatriation, the UK royal family were the biggest beneficiary of the triangluar slave trade. So Harry should sort out his own back garden first.

tom1912 says...

Sorry should have read :-
Whose ancestors of constitutional Head of State of The Commonweath of The Bahamas?

tom1912 says...

:) :) :)
Part One
Question [ In parts]
Whose ancestors of the head of the Church of England?
Whose ancestors of the head of state of some of the caricom, nations?
Whose ancestors of the person who Knighted Bickes ?
Whose ancestors of The Commonweath of The Bahamas?
Whose ancestors over the years saw the majority of their subjects suffer starvation and degradation, during the slave trade
Who Vastly profited from the slave trade by giving land in the Caribbean that was not theirs to plantation owners and being main share holders in the business never ming passing the various laws that benefited the slave trade.

The UK royal family [ One of the riches families in the world] ,who even now are living high on the hog as a result of the money their family made in the past an even now have the audacity of taking UK citizen's tax monies!

Suggestion- perhaps "Mr" Bickles should have put his hand out for reparations instead of bowing to a member of the U.K. royal family instead of accepting a knighthood!
Being a former representative at the UN perhaps he can give some of his income tax free pension towards his cause as the majority of the Nations of the UN have been involved in slavery over serveral thousand years.

Perhaps "Mr" Bickles should take the trouble to read the world history on slavery esoecally the more recent and then he should go cap in hand to:-
Those rich tribal families in West Africa who benefited from their ancestors sell their own people [ Some from prison] into slavery never mind sending raiding parties inland to capture more people. To be sold for goods and gold!
The ancestors of the rich families in the Middle East for their profits from slavery.

The reparations/ slavery movement will open a can of worms and there could be no end to to who should pay.

tom1912 says...

Clearly they appear to not teach worldwide history in the Bahamas these days.
The anglo saxons are a fairly new tribe in the eons of history and there is certainly not many of them left in Britain now.

In fact the French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italy who would object to being called Anglo Saxons never mind the Arabs and West African "Back" Chiefs that sold their people for profit into slavery!

Slavery in many forms was endemic in the whole world for eons before Anglo Saxon even exited perhaps the Celts lives matter :-) should demonstrate in Italy against what the Romans did to them, or perhaps Arab Lives matter demonstrate in Ankara maybe even the Saxons left in Britain demonstrating in Oslo, Copenhagen or Stockholm about the Vikings taking slaves never mind complaining to the UN which is a spineless oragnization design to keep Diplomats with salaries UN passports and tax free pensions!

It must be remembered that the average british worker/familes during the days of Empire were treated in many ways worse than slaves, at lest most slaves were at lest feed! The infamous Workhouses were not that long ago!
Lest we forget also regardless of the British history it was the first country to abolished slavery and using it's Navy to combat slavery by other countries two of which were the US and Napolian's France, if I recal the British allowed escaping slaves to settle the Bahamas.
Some Arab entities were still keeping slaves as late as the 1960s!
Let's, as one contributor has said here treat each other as humans.

tom1912 says...

The Cayman islands despite being a UK overseas territory is not a colony as such and controls it's own internal affairs and laws and taxation never mind its own currency,much like The Bahamas ŵas before independence [ Although perhaps initially governed by some dubious local MPs ] much like the Isle of Man, the channel islands[ Who are not members of the EU!] even Gibraltar [ Although they still use the PS]

The hypocrisy of the EU is they don't seem to be able to control the level of Corprate Taxation on its on members, the Irish Republic and Luxembourg have some of the lowest Corporation Tax in the EU, thus much to the UK's government annoyance companies such as Amazon, Google, Apple, Macdonalds and the like, base their EU HQs in these two countrys using "the royalty" system to reduce their taxation in larger EU country's where their turnover is biggest,there have been several years believe it or not when one or more of these companys they have posted losses in country's such as the UK.
The UK was looking in to taxing such large corporation on their UK turnover to trump the royalty trick, but not an easy task!

The EU is now panicking that the UK may lower its corporation tax becoming the EU's equivalent of a Singapore 10 miles off of the French Coast!

There is some merit in corporation tax set at a reasonable level for a country's tax take to avoid companies not seeing it as worth moving as they say "off shore" location.

On Our foot’s on your neck, EU warns

Posted 9 May 2020, 6:31 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

Unfortunately petty money laundering regulation in the UK affect an inconvenience the average Joe citizen that Big business and Criminals along with petty drug dealers have and can afford more exotic methods to launder money.
E.G. If you are a current [Chequing] account holder in the UK and want to put cash of £5000 in your account you have to prove where the money came from! If you employ a lawyer for anything you have to prove your identity bye two original methods, one photo, and your permanent address if you have only lived there for two years your previous address, the same id is required to open a bank account.
If you saw the poverty in southern Italy [Part of the EU] fed on mostly by the Mafia, the Bahamas might suggest that the EU get its own house in order.

The general consensus is that most Nations/Governments are wanting cashless societies so that they can tax [ And in most cases waste the money they collect] the life out of Joe public to pay for the inflated salaries and pensions of politicians, government and QANGO staff!
I'll get off my soap box now ;-)

On EU blacklists over money laundering

Posted 7 May 2020, 4:27 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

The Commonwealth of the Bahamas might as well be, as it does not contribute to the bloated budget of the UK and Commonwealth Royal Family ;-) :-) :-)

tom1912 says...

Perhaps the import of all that expensive produce (some crap and full of unnecessary chemicals] ) from the US can be reduced, that doesn't go thru customs! However removing VAT from all food [As in the UK] would be a good idea!

On Farmers see 'quadrupling' of interest

Posted 24 April 2020, 2:48 a.m. Suggest removal