Comment history

tom1912 says...

Yes mostly the tribe chiefs selling their own people and of course the Arabs

tom1912 says...

Also don't forget the last head of the IMF, now head of the EU's Central Bank, Ms Legarde, was the originally the French Finance Minister and she left the French in a worst state than it was before she was appointed!
So IMHO the IMF is just a location for jobs for the boys/girls, a money pit for failed politicians and big tax free pensions.

tom1912 says...

;-) Re picture
Now is the time to correctly install/level manhole/drainage covers and deal with all the pot holes, I'm sure the social distancing can be addressed without any problems! ;-)

tom1912 says...

His prices when I last shopped in to one of his outlets were somewhat cheaper than 2nd Mortgage Solamans!

Anyway toilet rolls can be replaced or their use much reduced with perianal sprays or bidets, and saves a few forests too, bearing mind I've experienced brackish mains water in a property at to Montague Bay end of Shirley St. they say salty water is good for hygiene!

Fitting an add-on bidet spray units under the WC seat is easy and reasonable priced [A DIY job too] should also help the local plumbers in work as long as they keep social distancing, wash their hands and you clean everywhere he/she has touched. 8-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)…

tom1912 says...

I would have thought logic would dictate that there is no god of whatever complection, if however there is/are god(s) he or she or other gender is/are not a very nice deities

On Pandemic reminds us that God is sovereign

Posted 18 March 2020, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

Where are you getting that from I'm in the UK and heard nothing about that!
The youngest to die here was 59 and he had motoneuron dease!

tom1912 says...

Hotels and/or Self catering accommodation tariffs are linked to power prices and food costs amongst other things.
One way of increasing occupancy is having 0% rated VAT on all food stuffs an essential household supplies along with having reliable power supply and at reasonable costs.[ It also helps to tame pressure on wages and wage rises]
Never mind the tourist hiring cars having to about damaged not covered by CDW driving over the many mini bomb craters in the majority of the main roads.
It also goes without saying an increase in crime is not conducive to increasing tourist foot falls,
The Bahamas has so much potential as a hoilday destination but far too expensive for average world wide travellers as most good businessmen know that turnover is the key, a few high rollers are not enough to keep a tourist industry viberant, Cruise passengers tend not to spend much money outside the ship, The high rollers tend to stick in the environs of their hotels or their hoilday homes/gated communities.
I don't think the Bahamas can rely on the spring influx of drunken US youth to increase the hotel occupancy that's for sure!

On PM: 20% hotel vacancy cut to hit jobless goal

Posted 26 February 2020, 3:37 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

I wouldn't take much stock in the EU's approval for anything let alone finances they cannot even sort there own budget out never mind the overblown subsides for inefficient French farmers another other countries! Farming is only 1% of their GPD and yet takes over 60% of their budget and relying on the USA for the bulk of their defence.
Notwithstanding EU countries misuse about 4 % of the funds never mind the over bloated bureaucracy an unelected politicians! Mind you there is not too many pot holes in the roads nor power cuts and in most you can drink the water from the tap [Faucet] and the tax on plastic bags is working [ The supermarkets don't get to keep it]

tom1912 says...

What a load of BS I repeat a previous post, Haile Selassie the ultimate centre of the Rasta cult, did not smoke or take any recreational drugs as far as anyone knows and as I understand couldn't understand why Rastas did!

Ask why not go the whole hog by allowing in the name of practicing their religion:-

1) Can the muslims in the nation to cut off hands/feet of thieves, stone adulterous women and decapitate the men [That Would deplete the Bahamas population :-) ] etc.,Never mind have four wife's and any number of concubines.
2) Can the Hindus throw the widows on their late husband's funeral pyres
3) Can Mormons have more than one wife.

Extreme points I know but I detect the thin edge of the wedge.

tom1912 says...

If you have been a recipient of such behaviour, seeing the fruits of your labour being stolen, vandalised by some low life SOB and you don't mind, go for it! It's the slippery road to an uncivilised society.
In the end a good education and good parenting are the key!