Comment history

tom1912 says...

Not from ignorant and head in the sand people such as yourself, the facts are out there, so when your body is clear of the residuals of cannabis. [ Yes unlike cocaine and heroine it stays in the body for a considerable time] you may be clear of mind enough to actually look at the research and learn something :-p

tom1912 says...

So does deadly night shade [Bella Donna],
So does the Fox Glove [Digitalis]
They both contain deadly toxins yet if controlled and processed and used carefull benefit humanity.
If cannabis is treated the same as the above all well and good with its byproducts

It is without doubt and has been proved that over use of cannabis over a long period, especially the skunk variety, results in psychosis along with psychotic episodes!
Most certainly in developing brains of the young.
Notwithstanding that those smoking it mixed with tabbaco with potassium soaked papers who inhale deeply, [ Greater than an ordinary tobacco smoker] expose themselves to major lung, cardiac and stroke problems.

So it is worth dwelling on the matter of Cannabis and for the Bahamas not rush in any "foolishness" :-) based on the biases of vested interests never mind religious uses, after all
Haile Selassie did not take cannabis in any form so it's all BS from the Rastafarians!

tom1912 says...

Well the thing one must know about smart meters is that your utility company not only doesn't need meter readers but can also selectively cut you off remotely, so you can imaging the fun that will be had when load shedding is carried out, even more favouritism;-)

tom1912 says...

A bit of history:-) the reason the U.K. has 999 is as a result of the old pluse dial telephones the last hole on the dial starting from the to is a 9
thus the theoretical both the blind and those who were innumerate [ If they knew of course] could dial the emergency number.
I note in modern NON touch screen/smartphones they have a reaised dot on the "5" key so maybe the new world wide number should be 555
:-) ;-)

On EDITORIAL: Why so quiet, Mr Lloyd?

Posted 3 November 2019, 6:01 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

The UK and The Bahamas have a Head of State without a people's voter! At lest Boris can be kicked out in a couple of years time or sooner and if he gets in at a earlier general election he can still be removed at the latest after 5 years whereas we are stuck with the present head of state and her or his progeny despite their merits for possible perpurtuity!
The one advantage The Bahamas does not have to pay, as do the UK taxpayer,for their head of state an all the hangers on!

tom1912 says...

The UK is certainly no utopia unless your utopia is roads with only a few potholes, no wreaked and half deconstructed motor vehicles littered on/or just off the road,no power cuts [YET] and yes 20% VAT but NOT on any food stuff and children's clothes something the Bahamian Government might consider! While maybe just about 4* a heath service that is free at point of use, subsidised prescriptions free for the poor and those over the age of 60!
Although the now have food banks for the poor and still have many vagrants littering the side walks but no beggers at each traffic junction
Hey yesterday it was even 33 oC [ 91oF] hotter than here!

Good luck with moving to the UK even if you wanted to, not so easy with the UKVI section of the home office [ I'm at present doing with my Bahamian wife] no special treatment for commonwealth citizens, settlement visa cost almost $3500 with many hoops to jump thru and no guarantee and can take 12 weeks to find out one way or the other and then it only lasts 2.5 years and then another $3000 for a further 2.5 years and then another $3000 to to get ILR [Indefinate leave to remain]

Bahamians do have up to 6 months visa free access that's if you can get pass the Jobsworth Immigration Officers [ Often 1st or 2nd generation immigrants themselves] who can't be bothered to check out any information you give an accuse you of lying and wanting to work or marry [ Which is impossible now ] in fact treat you like s**t and may well sent you back home at the wasted return air fare cost of a $1200! As the did my wife!

Then of course before all that if you want a visa of any type you have to deal with a company called VFS which the UKVI [Dept of U.K. Home Office] has contracted out all the paperwork processing but not the decision to grant or not grant a visa, look up Trustpilot on VFS a bunch of money grabbing incompetents!

Having worked overseas for many years I've never found any British Commison or consular services very helpful for British Citizens, so what use it will be here apart from renewing a passport.

On The British are coming back

Posted 24 July 2019, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

As a well educated British voter who is not a fool [ To believe politicians of any colour] and voted to leave the EU which is a bottomless money pit [ For numerous over paid and tax free pensioned bureaucrats and has-beens politicians who were useless when in office in their respective countries) was the fatted calf that grew out EEC Euprooean Econmic Union.

It may not be worldly known but to placate France there are two EU Parliaments one in Brussels the whole of the parliament moves lock stop and barrel to a purpose made building for 4 days at a cost of $116 million a year of European taxpayers money! That is just but one of many the waste of money.
Notwithstanding the accounts books for the EU have not been signed off by the auditors for several years!

The above editorial and along with previous comments made by a "Sir" Saunders made on the 4th of July, forgets that the UK is a democracy and the country voted to leave with the biggest voters turn out for many years. The fact that "Sir" Saunders comments the way he does is covered by him accepting a knighthood, he is part of "The anti leave Establishment"

Yes Boris may be what has been said about him in this editorial but he only lacks the silver
tonged veneer of the majority of self serving mealy mouth career politicians with no social conscious infesting the UK Parliament at the moment and most have never had a real job in their life their only skill they have, being glibness, i.e all style and no substance, most being barristers! At one time the people that the UK mistrusted the most was Estate Agents [ Realtors] now politicians have topped them!
In my opinion MacMillain was the last Socially conscious politician and believe it or not he was an aristocratic. The rot set in with Ted Heath who lied to the British Citizens about the first referendum to join the EEC. Then we had a series of PMs underneath all the same culminating in a hardline anti society Margret Thatcher who to quote Macmillan "Sold the Family Silver"
and then the silvered tounged Tony Blair [ A champagne socialist] a average barrister, sometimes more conservative than the conservatives, he was the inventor of "Spin" very much the word smith.
Boris has one attribute as I understand, from running a newspaper, an as Mayor of London has the ability to choose a good team and delegate.
Another thing that most PMs do in the U.K. is to keep enemies close by which may be the reason for him,if true, for approaching Rory Stewart

tom1912 says...

It would seem BTC and its owners w.r.t wanting to use call centres outside the Bahamas are clearly aming to save money at customer's service experience. I'm not sure but isn't Cable and Wireless, [ Once a wholly own U.K. governemt company before Thatcher], now owned by well know Chinese Telcoms company.:-)
It would have been better if the Bahamian Government had held the Golden share (51%)
alas it wasn't the case :-(

My understanding it is always good to learn by others mistakes, I can only talk from a personal UK direct experience although being aware of what has happening in the rest of the world from friends and relatives that there has been a customer backlash against out of country call centres such that untility,banks and insurance companies are now using the fact that they have incountry call centres as a sales pitch!

Slightly off topic but I notice PPI has raised it's head in this country, this is a means of Governments of the day to get capital project costs off their books and mortgaging the children, grand children ad infinitum of the citizens. It does not work.
Bahamas please learn from others mistakes.

On 'Don't be tempted' on BTC buy-out proposal

Posted 19 July 2019, 10:14 a.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

I think, that bearing in mind the austerity the U.K. is going thru, as a result of short term thinking career and mealy mouthed politicians as well as Bankers and Fund managers acting as casinos bosses, which we all know came to light 2007/08 along the blooming of Food Banks all over the UK, State pension are not enough for people over 65 to afford the average rent despite paying into the system all their lives. [And they don't have VAT on all food or children's cothes] the average U.K. citizen would be very concerned that their Governemt is prepared to give almost interest free loans out to UK subsideries of foreign companies, when those loans are to promote employee UK citizens and U.K. products! Yet that same government's tax authorities charges 8% interest on overdue or delayed tax payments.
Or could this be construed as reparations :-)

tom1912 says...

Being Britsh myself if any Minister of any potfolio in the UK used covertly, his position as a member of the Government [ i.e was in a position to lobby other Ministers ] to influence an outside contractor, who could be fearful of that lobbying may affect the profitability of his project, then there would be a hue and cry in the UK media, whether that Minster would resign or be sacked in the present in fact for the last several years of Career and mealy motheed politicians that have been sporned in the UK is doubtful! When they are sacked it is only lip service as in 9 times out of 10 they are given a Ministerial position as little as a few months down the line.