Comment history

tom1912 says...

I enjoyed the various comments, being an +70 year old White male UK citizen ( Of old working class status) married to a bright, sharp, by no means subservient and well educated +69 year old Black Bahamian Lady, so I think I'm talking from a racially neutral position.
Although when walking holding hands and shopping in New Providence we do get strange looks, whether it is our positive and negative hew, our height difference or two old people acting as 16 year olds or maybe a varying degree, my wife is of the opinon it is mire the racially difference.
While I agree the Arab traders were a large influence in the slave trade so too were the West African Tribal Chieftains [ Shaka Zulu didn't treat his people very well ether!] who sold their subjects to them and Europeans. Of course the Arabs were in to slavery for themselves, visit the Middle East and you will see the progeny of that trade never mind that trade that was still going on until 1962 on the Arabian Peninsula!

Now over the years both in the UK and overseas I have been constantly blamed for the rape and slavery of the subjects of the British Empire over the past 200 years or so, mostly West Indians,Africans, Indians, Pakistanis and Phalistinans ( 1912 Balfor promise) I try to point out that my forefathers, the working class during this time in the UK were being treated as bad an in maybe in some respect worse, by the same minority Ruling Elite [ Apart from some autristic Quakers] that was controlling the Empire and slave trade.

During the late 50s and early 69s a mixed economy of capitalism and socialism developed. unfortunately it's now very much following the US model by tipping towards the followers of mamom, accereared by Mrs Thatcher. I always thought one of the diffentiions of civilisation was the strong helping the weak!
The two world wars decimated most of the ruling class and those left made the mistake of starting the Educated the masses who of course started to ask difficult questions. :-)

It would seem nationalities and race get confused, over my travels I have found that certain nationalities have particular mind-sets and it is nothing to do with their race. Some I do not like or seek their friendship regardless of whether they are white, pink, purple, black, yellow, red or sky blue pink!

So Mr Gomez he needs to remember the old turn of phrase People in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones, having become very familiar with Nassau perhaps he should provide reparations from the tax take and for the help of the every day Bahamians to repair all the pot holes in the roads, of recent date, proper drainage for those same roads and removal the various dismembered and wreaked motor vehicles littered about various areas.
The Bahamas is the third richest country in North America with great potential, it's general population have a friendly aire about them why isn't Mr Gomez concentrating on make it shiny law abiding light in the west Atlantic/ Caribbean.

tom1912 says...

Being an old codger also a UK Citizen married to a wonderful Bahamian lady. I'm a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer with an engineering MSc but went thru the mill from an artisan base (rare these days) and worked in the middle east for several years.
I read this article with interest, the most common problem with hurricanes in the Caribbean and North America is following the US model of cost saving buy throwing all the power cables and step down transformers on poles. Nassau/ New Providence is hardly rural so burying the power cables in the ground while being a large capital outlay but in the long run would be saving money and the unimaginable cost to the country and its industry of little or no power available for days and weeks never mind the pollution from the many small generators being used. You had an easy time last year but hurricanes are inevitable in your part of the woods, for years to come.

In the good old days in the UK when the supply of power was a social service owned by the taxpayer thru the State ( Before Thatcher) and not a means of lining foreign company's and their share holders pockets at the detriment of the old, less well off, notwithstanding industry in UK, the national grid invested in stand by automatic oil fired power stations local to large conovations to cover peaks in demand during the winter months, the privatised industry saw these as unnecessary capital and maintenance liberties demolished them and sold the land to developers, now there is always worries about load shedding during a bad winter in the UK! The worry things is they are trying to install "smart meters" everywhere, this save sending out meter readers, an estimated readings, the readings being sent by digital signal superimposed over the power cables however the power company can now cut you off remotely so they can be more selective who to load to shed, I'll leave you to ponder wgatbtgat could mean!