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viewersmatters says...

I other words if you do not want your family member or lover or friend to be shot or targeted by police or any law officials you need to tell them put their damn guns down and stop committing crimes and especially crime against innocent people. Black lives matter and it doesn't only matters when police take a life away but it matters when your criminal friends family and colleagues try take away an innocent life as well. Every year our county records over 50 to 80 deaths and that's not police killing people but that is we black people killing ourselves, raping abusing and robbing our brothers and sister thinking there is no consequences but rather you like it or not for every action there is a reaction. Us civilian are defenseless against your criminal family friends and colleagues and our line of defense are our officers, so do us normally law abiding citizens a favor and turn your criminal gangster and law breaking friends into the police and take away their guns before the protectors of life and property encounter them

On Man shot dead by police in Pinewood Gardens

Posted 10 August 2020, 11:34 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

Where did you got your facts from that 7 shots were indeed fired at police or did you read thar in an article or on social media without knowing the true facts. And did this man injure anyone?

On Man shot dead by police in Pinewood Gardens

Posted 10 August 2020, 11:28 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

All this time most people disregarded safety protocol. Most people said they're not kids and why is the PM treating us like kids. The PM open the country and lifted restrictions and now people are saying the PM should not open the country because the people themselves are not responsible.. now let's just sit back and watch the views and opinion of the people on this.

On PM announces national lockdown

Posted 3 August 2020, 9:48 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

Most Bahamians are saying that the PM are treating the Bahamians as if we are kids and that we are not kids we are grown adults. I agree are grown adults and we should not need any government official to spoon feed us and wipe our mouths as well. While the majority of responsible Bahamians made the decisions to cancel all of their vacations and travel abroad just to protect ourselves and our love one along with people who surround us. If we want say that we are adults we should act and be responsible like grown adults, no one force any person residing in the Bahamas to take a trip into a country that we all was full aware of had a major outbreak of that deadly virus. They would decided at their own will and freedom travelled at their own willed. Our problem as people are we never want take responsibility for our own actions but yet want blame blame blame, we are responsible for our own actions. Yes the government opened the borders but look at what many responsible careful Bahamians did, we use the God given brain we have and said no we will not travel until it's safe. Cant put your face into the lion's mouth and say oh God watches over me. When Jesus was being tempted to jump off rock did he? Knowing he has the greatest faith on earth he didnt put himself in harm's way. So who we to travel to a highly infected place and endanger not only our lives but everyone residing in the bahamas. We are the fault for our problem not the government. We travel and brought the virus back and infected our own people.

viewersmatters says...

Good point you have there. Next time some thugs carrying unlicensed and illegal firearms decide to open fire on police and run the police should just allow them to run and get away. Even better if crime targets you or your home and the criminals decide to run and get away I hope that the police allow them to escape as well. Let's just let these thugs do what they want without any consequences

viewersmatters says...

What' all of the noise in the market is about!! Yea I was a sitting cabinet minister who obtained government contracts. Conflict of interest is so totally not involved....

viewersmatters says...

Under the $75 supposedly fine, have any company or ministry work been fine for leaving the roads in horrible states? What would be the difference from now and later. These careless workers ruin the roads with no remorse or consideration whatsoever and move on to ruin a next road. Pathetic!!!!

viewersmatters says...

So implementing a curfew would make a difference? How?. How many murders and crimes are happening in bold day light? Implementation of a curfew just would make criminals having an easier task finding their targets. Without the fear of crime being instilled in people then they will continue to commit crime continuously without any fear. This is a situation we all in the Bahamas have to work together to deal with and the government being the main primary factor in the center.

viewersmatters says...


viewersmatters says...

I do understand the frustration, anger and pain of the family, friends and love one of the deceased. What I am trying to understand and what everyone else should be trying to understand is why was the driver trying to evade police? Base on the video footage it is clearly that officers had their lights and siren on and was in full uniform. What's very disturbing is after watching the decease getting shot off of the bike the driver still failed to stop or surrender or show some type remorse or something knowing the person on his bike had fell. To me I would blame the driver for this incident not the police because its not the police duty to wait or find out who is innocent or not but the main thing is base on the video footage the officers tried to engage those two individuals and the driver or (assumption) both men tried to evade police refusing to stop and some reason which isn't shown in the footage, officers open fire on those individuals and the driver knowing and seeing his passenger fell off the driver fail to stop. Why was the driver running and why didn't the driver tried to stop knowing and seeing police officer, flashing lights and uniform police?

On ‘Blind’ suspect shot by police

Posted 29 January 2018, 11:35 p.m. Suggest removal