Comment history

vinceP says...

I've said it in the past and I’ll say it again. URCA is filled with nothing more than jokers, and leeches, and I certainly hope that when a real Government gets in power, that one of the first things on the agenda is that they clean house at URCA. I would love to know how many former BTC employees work at URCA. Those people are useless and seem to be out of their element.

vinceP says...

Hey, Its simple, They will get their cut through the allege "PLP Crony/Virgin Mobile partnership.

vinceP says...

I agree 100% , very well written, and so, so true.

On Why does sexuality matter?

Posted 21 May 2015, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

vinceP says...

@ Caribuy

It was a rhetorical question

On Police say 90,000 attended Carnival

Posted 19 May 2015, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

vinceP says...

Wait, so Mr. Major said that 50 Million would be injected into the Economy? Ummmmm, if we are looking at a total of 90 Thousand Carnival goers, and lets assume they all paid the $15 entry fee, then we can conclude that they made roughly 1,350,000 Million at the gate. So.....Ummmm, where would the balance of roughly $48,650,000 Million come from?

On Police say 90,000 attended Carnival

Posted 19 May 2015, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

vinceP says...

I really hope that the police seriously shoot to kill all these guys they find with illegal firearms, especially if they bold enough to shoot at the police.

vinceP says...

Listen, clearly they realized that this is not a fair race because the PLP can't be trusted, and chances are, they, the PLP, will further screw us, the Bahamian people by giving the license to Junkanoo/virgin mobile, which it is alleged, Junkanoo mobile is headed up by a PLP henchman. "blue water" anyone? As I've said in the past, given that Virgin mobile's business model is to piggy back on existing cellular networks, under no circumstances should they be given the next cellar license if they intend to just piggy back on BTC's network. Further, wasn't it the PLP who were up in arms against the FNM selling BTC to foreigners? Has this Government learned nothing from the recent network outage that BTC recently experienced?

On Digicel pulls out of mobile bidding

Posted 30 April 2015, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

vinceP says...

@ Thisisours,

You are incorrect. If I'm not mistaken, when CBL purchased Indigo several years ago, they also got Indigo's license to offer wifi services, which explains the erection of those towers, which can be used for wifi antennas, as well as accommodate cellular antennas. URCA is joke, and continually display their incompetence, but nothing better should be expected under this PLP Government. It is inconceivable that URCA would promote the idea of infrastructure sharing, specifically as it relates to which PLP fraction is granted the first available license. The network failure that BTC experienced recently is a perfect example as to why this should not be allowed to happen, at least not as far as that first license is concerned. To suggest that this be the case, simply shows me that we have a bunch of jackasses at URCA, but after all, the majority of URCA's employess are former BTC employees, so its no surprise why they always come down so hard on CBL.

vinceP says...

A BTC / Virgin mobile arrangement is not only scary, but a obvious disaster in the making. An MVNO operator relationship, with that relationship happening with the incumbent and possible new entrant, would offer basically nothing in terms of redundancy, and in no way should the Government allow this to happen. OMG!! did we not lean anything from the network outage that BTC had last year? I would love to see what URCA has to say about this lunacy! If this kind of partnership was to happen, that would basically mean that whenever BTC experiences an outage, so would the MVNO operator. by all cost, this must not be allowed to happen!!!! This kind of arrangement would be fine for the second available mobile license, but NOT for the first, so in my mind, Virgin mobile should NOT get the next available license!

vinceP says...

Listen! URCA is a big joke, and their dictatorial approach shows where their loyalty is located, and this whole cellular process is showing us just how they themselves (URCA) are not qualified to operate in the capacity that they operate in. That organization is bloated with former BTC (Batelco) employees, so there is no surprise why BTC always seems to have the scaled tipped in their favor. I'm sorry Cable Bahamas, but URCA will continue to place obstacles in your way, because anything sensible Bahamian can see that because of Cable Bahama's existing infrastructure, they would be the quickest to get their cellular network up and running. Further, what does not make sense to me is that the Perry Christie Government is here pushing for 51% Bahamian ownership in the new cellular company, when Cable Bahamas is a 100% owned Bahamian company. So lets do some math here, Cable Bahamas is a 100% Bahamian owned publicly traded company, but the Perry Christie Government, would much prefer 51% of yet another foreign company? Bluewater anyone?