Comment history

wave says...

Classic suck and blow!

wave says...

"Paul Rolle" you sir are an idiot and have no ideas of what you speak of!

wave says...

is there any place on the planet this man has not visited on your nickle!

wait, next term i bet he'll convince the bahamian people that he needs to visit the moon, for economic reasons of course.

wave says...

god help you all if those corrupt plp cronies remain in power!

On PM warns of ‘danger’ of voting FNM

Posted 10 May 2017, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

wave says...

There is no hope for the Bahamas, you have just proven that your nation is once again for sale. Welcome to the new drug years!

wave says...

Justise Winder, if you allow this you will for ever be known as the country that steals investments from honest hard working people and you sir will be the nail in the coffin !

wave says...

The fall out from the drug years was one think but this is the hundred year storm!

wave says...

Smart, smart, smart it's almost impossible to put a value on goodwill !

On Sarkis offers extra $200m

Posted 24 July 2015, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

wave says...

bullshite, if you think for one minute that the financial world is not looking at the mess this government has created, your sadly mistaken.
I must ask, Freddy how can you look at yourself in the mirror and live with what you see?

wave says...

Holy fork, really like really?