Comment history

wave says...

It really is disgusting to see her wear a cross around her neck and have the ability to lie through her teeth !

On Mother Pratt: Quiz govt, not us

Posted 8 June 2015, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

wave says...

Wait a year, who sold you on that ? If you know not what you speak of, then say nothing! You can be anywhere in the country and if you need medical attention you will see a doctor in a reasonable time frame , meaning 30 to 90 minutes.

wave says...

It is about time the "reward for poor service" is coming to an end. BTW as a reporter your job is not to take sides when reporting on a story, clearly you are backing the union on this issue. Perhaps a family member, spouse or friend works there?

wave says...

Of course this government contracted this out, they don't want this stink on their hands! Wonder if this company has the foresight to put a few clauses in to cover their butts when your PLP send in their hench men to muck up the company to get what they want?

wave says...

Really, what happen to "Freedom of Speech" didn't realise the Bahamas has now become the new North Vietnam. Of course I forgot PLP, it explains everything.

wave says...

And you voted in your worthless PLP Sickie slash General!


Posted 3 August 2014, 7:53 a.m. Suggest removal

wave says...

Not to worry Sickie, your PLP boys will throw you a bone for your blogs!

On PM 'puzzled' by US criticism

Posted 2 July 2014, 5:17 p.m. Suggest removal

wave says...

And you would know this how Sickie?

On Canadian guilty in $1m drug plot

Posted 21 June 2014, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

wave says...

Why would they take a stike vote, what did the management violate in regards to their contract? Cost cutting measures in order to say open and provide jods for the remaiming staff. So let's see if the rest want to jeopardise their own job to save something that is final!
Nice to see the union leaders through in that slavery word for good measure, very professional.

wave says...

As a country you have little to no choice here. If nothing is done to lower your debt, the US will devalue your dollar. They will not allow your country to remain on par with the US greenback. The real threat is the fox is watching the hen house, your PLP government will rape that Vat tax valt like never before, remember all these old PLP guards are looking to build their own retirement fund.

On 'We will not be bullied on VAT'

Posted 4 March 2014, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal