Comment history

AnObserver says...

The Tribune could save a ton of money by laying off all of their reporters, and just printing the same headline every day. "The govt is urged to act on ___________". Let the readers fill in the blank part. The paper would be completely accurate every day of the year.

AnObserver says...

Why are the cops interfering with legitimate commerce?

AnObserver says...

You know nothing about how businesses work. How are you justified in dictating to them, who run successful businesses, how to to operate, when you, the govt, have a eight figure net deficit every year? You are demonstrably the least qualified to give business advice.

On Minister: We’ll raise minimum wage soon

Posted 30 July 2024, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

The govt doesn't know the first thing about how businesses work. If they did, we wouldn't be paying $0.40/kwh for electricity, $5/gallon for gas, and standing in line for hours to renew our driver's licenses. That is without mentioning the billion or so dollars they have to borrow every year.

AnObserver says...

I'm sure speed was a factor, as was the air temperature, and the type of vehicle, and the fact that it was nighttime, but the primary cause was running off the road in to a wall. Speed alone has never killed a single person in the history of ever. In fact, we are *all* moving at roughly 67,000 miles per hour right now, perfectly safely.

On Young woman dies in West Bay St crash

Posted 28 July 2024, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

But that would mean having to have a functional public transit system, and removing the exorbitant duty rate on motorcycles and scooters. It'll never happen. Stop expect the govt to make sensible decisions, choosing logical, proven solutions instead of trying to funnel money to their friends and family.

AnObserver says...

This. It is about as effective as making crime illegal.

AnObserver says...

When has the church ever been a good reference for what society should do? They have historically persecuted, murdered, and imprisoned anyone who dared to disagree with them and their ignorant, backwards thoughts.

If we had trusted the church, and not free thinkers, we'd still think the world was flat, and not understand gravity. The modern world we live in owes it's very existence to heretics and apostates.

On ‘Time to change our divorce laws’

Posted 24 July 2024, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

Meanwhile, in the civilized world, you can walk up to a booth at a concert and buy whatever sort of THC or CDB enriched product you'd like for a few bucks in a safe, controlled environment. Do these politicians realize it is 2024? Alcohol and tobacco are far, far more dangerous than weed.

On ‘Jail risk’ if you supply cannabis

Posted 23 July 2024, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

Cruise ships are only in port during the day.

At least in my lifetime, daytime is usually when there is a sun in the sky. With a sun in the sky, you can produce solar power.

Why in the hell would we be burning more fossil fuels for this? The argument for solar not being a good fit for The Bahamas is the storage aspect, as our demand peaks in the evening, after the sun has set. Cruise ships pulling their load during daylight hours make solar an ideal match.

Unless this is just another cash grab by some connected individuals.......