Comment history

BiminiHomeowner says...

Come to Bimini, these violations happen every day.

On US fishermen held by RBDF

Posted 31 July 2013, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

Good to hear they were caught. This happens all the time over in Bimini.

On US poachers apprehended off Abaco

Posted 30 July 2013, 12:22 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

There have been two versions of this "jetty" that have been circulating around the island. The first version included burying Three Sisters under a 12-acre man-made island, then dredging an enormous channel and turning basin for the ship west from there. Three Sisters is probably one of the top 3 most popular snorkeling sites in Bimini, and home to swarms of fish, and critically endangered species of coral.

The second plan moved the jetty to the south a little, basically putting it right over Rainbow Reef. This plan had the man-made island slightly smaller, but still big at ~6 acres, and then the related dredging of a channel. This proposed version of the plan had the jetty, dredging, and related traffic literally cutting through the highest densities of coral reef found off of North Bimini.

Destroying Bimini's reefs for one big boat is a stupid idea, and Genting seems to know it since they are seemingly trying to exclude Biminites from these discussions. There's a BETTER plan now circulating online, where everyone gets what they want, check it out here:…

BiminiHomeowner says...

I live here in Bimini. The people who support this support it until you tell them the details of what Genting is planning, and then they are outraged.

Genting could and should do better, this is an embarrassment for them and for the island.

BiminiHomeowner says...

If you think Genting and RAV Bahamas are concerned about Bimini's environment, you obviously don't live here or know anything about their work thus far, or what they are proposing.

BiminiHomeowner says...

The Prime Minister should be representing the people of The Bahamas who elected him, but it seems like he's more concerned with cheerleading for a multi-billion dollar foreign company.

Who is keeping these developers in check?

On Residents fearing Bimini 'overload'

Posted 23 July 2013, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

You are 100% wrong.

BiminiHomeowner says...

Bimini is one of the most popular Out Island in The Bahamas, and has been for years. The tourism industry has been growing for the past several years, while other islands in the country have faltered.

Seems like Bimini was doing something right, and now the plan is to try to replicate the same generic product that other islands in The Bahamas are struggling with, the same things people come to Bimini to avoid.

BiminiHomeowner says...

What a sad day for The Bahamas when the Prime Minister openly sides with a wealthy foreign investor, rather than the people he was elected to represent.

BiminiHomeowner says...

PM Christie's relationship with Genting & RAV Bahamas here in Bimini should be met with as much scrutiny as his relationship with Mr Nygard over in New Providence.

This Government has given ZERO credit or consideration to any other of the resorts or businesses in Bimini, and has ignored repeated requests from every other resort to finalize the Marine Reserve on the North island.

The Bahamas looks weak and desperate when their leaders are so quick to roll over for anyone waving money around.