Comment history

BiminiHomeowner says...

Reading this again, it's actually quite frightening.

The Prime Minister is either completely clueless about what is happening in Bimini, or he is being willfully dishonest. Both possibilities are shocking.

BiminiHomeowner says...

Perhaps the author of this article should speak with the author of the other article reporting on the PM's claims that the development on North Bimini has not damaged the environment.


BiminiHomeowner says...

Pretty much everything the PM is quoted as saying about Bimini is 100% false.

PM Christie seems to only care about Bimini Bay Resort, perhaps the most controversial and destructive development ever to hit The Bahamas.

Bimini Bay still has YEARS of construction ahead, i would hardly call that "full swing". And with Genting involved now, they are seemingly making a deliberate effort to keep Biminites in the dark regarding their plans. It is appalling!

We don't want this island "transformed". Yes, there is room for improvement, but Bimini's fate should not be decided by the highest bidder.

BiminiHomeowner says...

I wish the Tribune would do a follow up on this story. The government dock on North Bimini is a MESS. Very little work has been done since this article, and nothing has been done for several months.

BiminiHomeowner says...

The MLK Memorial in the mangroves does NOT exist, as of April 2013.

Pretty awful that this was used as basically a publicity stunt, and nothing was ever actually done.

BiminiHomeowner says...

The Bahamas press loses credibility when they continue to publish the unchallenged claims of these crooked developers. Ask someone from Rock Resorts, off the record, how "amicable" the separation was.

The difference between what people know here on Bimini, and what is being reported from the press, is pretty shocking.

BiminiHomeowner says...

I wonder if the people on Bimini have any say in this "Master Plan", or has PM Christie just sold the island?

On Genting in complete Bimini Bay takeover

Posted 19 March 2013, 10:47 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

I thought it was 600 jobs?

The Tribune should do an article on all the false claims that Bimini Bay has made over the years. It would read like an encyclopedia.

I would love to hear Mr Wilchcombe give praise to one of the other resorts too. He seems to only care about the most controversial development on the island.

On Casino 'could bring 200 jobs to Bimini'

Posted 11 February 2013, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

BiminiHomeowner says...

What about preserving the natural beauty of these islands? Why is that never discussed when this administration talks about Bimini?

What about working with the other resorts on the island?

Bimini Bay is not the only resort here. They are NOT the most successful resort here. They are NOT the best-reviewed resort here. They have far more non-Bahamians working there than any other resort.

They are, and have been, HIGHLY controversial, but this government acts like they are the only thing happening here. It's a shame.

BiminiHomeowner says...

Pretty alarming to state that a master-plan for the Alice Town government dock still needs to be created. Shouldn't that have been done years ago, before they started, and then stopped, work on the dock?

These developers have a long-history of doing work without the proper permits, making grand promises that are never realized, and they've done incredible damage to the reputation of this island.

For some mysterious reason, the press now seems to not question anything they say. You seem to just print whatever outrageous claims the developers make, and never follow up later to report how wrong the claims were in the first place.