Comment history

Bobsyeruncle says...

*"The important thing is finding persons with the skill sets and the qualifications to meet the job requirements"*

Never going to happen given the current standard of education in the country

On ‘Enough jobs available for skilled workers’

Posted 28 September 2023, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Maybe the vendors should think about selling something more unique and of better quality. They basically all sell the same stuff i.e T-shirts (with stupid logos and sayings on them), Beach Bags, Towels, key rings etc. The 80's & 90's when this stuff was in demand are long gone, as has that generation of tourists. Time to move on and start selling something that a 2020's tourist is more interested in.

Bobsyeruncle says...

How the xxxx does a pastor know more about other peoples marriages than they do? Why, when I look up the word misogynistic in a dictionary, does your name crop up?

On A plea for understanding and change

Posted 1 September 2023, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Once again Birdie, you're victim blaming . Why does the woman have to get beaten FIRST, before she leaves. I think you have a hard time understanding logic. If the husbnad decides to shoot his wife in the leg because she says 'no', is the solution for her to just leave ? Shouldn't he be punished ?
Me thinks you've been brainwashed by religious scriptures and political ideology for too long

On A plea for understanding and change

Posted 1 September 2023, 5:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Your ignorance never fails to disappoint, Birdie.
What if the wife says "no" and then the husband decides to beat the living crap out of her for disrepecting his 'natural urge to procreate' ?,
You keep saying she can leave the marriage or go to a womens shelter, but what your ignorance fails to see, is that the unconsensual sex (i.e. rape) has to occur FIRST before she can do this. Why should she suffer the hurt and crime first ??????

On A plea for understanding and change

Posted 31 August 2023, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Victim blaming at its finest, Birdie. You never fail to disappoint.

Bobsyeruncle says...

I think the genetic correlation is only partially true. Some of the smartest students (Asian/Indian) come from families where the parents are just simple land workers, who have never had a formal education. I'm inclined to believe that family ethics & dynamics at an early age are a more important factor.

So many of these Bahamian kids come from broken homes at a very early age, where they are lucky if they have a parent at home to help them. When we are young our role models and reference group are typically our parents, and, whether or not we mean to, we tend to pick up their good/bad traits which in turn tends to shape us into what type of person we are going to be.
Now,when we get into our teens/early adult age, our reference group tends to shift from our parents to our similarly aged peers, as we strive to be independant. During these times things may go a little bit awry and 'trouble' finds its way into your life, but as long as you've had that stable & grounded family life at an early age, the individual tends to get back on track pretty soon.

Bobsyeruncle says...

And let's not forget, Grand Bahama is more than just Freeport. Port Authority does not control, or govern, the whole island

Bobsyeruncle says...

Birdie, when was the last time you were in Freeport? Maybe you should take a trip out there. I recommend you take a drive down Queens Hwy, from Freeport to West End, and see for yourself. Although I doubt your political bias would allow you to do such a thing.

Bobsyeruncle says...

*“We firmly believe that any spouse who cries rape within a marriage is signalling that the marriage is already in trouble and more than likely is headed to the divorce court,” Mr Bethel said*.

So a marital rape has to occur first before she can head to a divorce court? It only takes a minute for a rape to start, but it takes months/years to get to a divorce court.

And what about those spouses who treat their wives like a pinata every time the wife says "No" to sex, or if they threaten to leave.