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Bobsyeruncle says...

And, based on his grammar, punctuation and sentence structure (or rather lack of), is the reason this country needs foreign nationals who are educated to a far higher degree than than Mr. Smith appears to be.

On Bahamians second-class?

Posted 27 July 2023, 8:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

*"Now if God has shown in his word that in marriage he overlooks the faults of a spouse for the sake of their virtuous husband (or wife), is it not sensible for government to preserve that?"*

NO!!! Unlike the way you obviously practice law, governments and law makers DO NOT implement laws based solely on the text of religious writings. Next you'll be saying that it's okay for spouses to have sexual intercourse with their young children, because God overlooks the spouses faults, so the government should preserve that and not enact any laws to protect those young children. .

Try applying a bit of common sense and context to your interpretation of the Constitution and Bible.

On Marital rape and our laws

Posted 7 June 2023, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

What absolute drivel!!

*Under God's marriage two people become as one and you cannot rape yourselves.* Does this also mean that you can't beat the crap out of 'yourselves', or kill 'yourselves', since you are now 'one' ?

Bobsyeruncle says...

So they need to get raped first, before they decide to separate and get a divorce? Something is wrong with the order of things in that picture.

Bobsyeruncle says...

Nothing to do with being smug. There's nothing wrong with Wendy's. It serves a needed purpose. It's just not what I would want to see when I'm staying at a holiday resort in another country. I would rather see a restaurant serving traditional Bahamian food, or some other eatery that I wouldn't normally see in an Airport.or near a cheap motel Not all of us live on BK, KFC, Wendy's & McDonalds

Bobsyeruncle says...

I'm with Atlantis on the Wendy's issue. Wendy's might be considered as a "fine dining establishment and experience on a budget" by most Bahamians, but it certainly isn't by most Americans and other overseas visitors. Just think where you find most Wendy's, Burger Kings etc in the US - usually close to a freeway or low cost motel. Most of the people staying at Atlantis aren't expecting to have Wendy's as an eating option.

Shake Shack on the otherhand is a much more upscale, gourmet, trendy Burger joint that doesn't have the cheap lower class dining label that Wendy's does.

Bobsyeruncle says...

Divorce isn't always that simple, especially when you're the non-working spouse having to bring up a bunch of young kids. Pls don't tell me Bahamian men are reknowned for their generosity and punctualness in paying child support and alimony.

Bobsyeruncle says...

Sorry, but he's incorrect. As usual, with most Bahamian men, he's looking at it from a selfish viewpoint i.e. from the male perspective.

Everything he says can also be applied to the husband.

*"but I’m troubled by the concept of the rape in the house because people could lie,"* "People" meaning the man or "People" meaning either the man or woman ? So men don't lie, huh?

*“Now how you gon’ prove? His sperm is there anyway, all the time. What’s the proof?"* Rape, also typically involves violence or physical struggles, so there are additional ways to tell.

*“People lie and they have liars with them cuz we don’t want this man no more. I gat me eye on something fresh."* Once again his use of the word "People" is implying only women. How many Bahamian men "gat their eye on something fresh"?

Bobsyeruncle says...

Really ??? If you haven't paid your taxes in 5, 10 or 20 years, why the hell should you be given any notice at all. They should be thankful they got at least 2 weeks.

Bobsyeruncle says...

I wonder if the manufacturer of that flag pin Munro is wearing on his lapel, paid for a license ?