It’s really heartbreaking to see how our healthcare delivery system continues to fail the Bahamian people. Senior citizens without adequate medical insurance should not be an option in the modern world. And while this issue does present many complex difficulties, it is however the government’s responsibility to provide practical solutions. I am by no means demanding perfection as I am consciously aware of how expensive healthcare can be. But the government does need to bridge this gap that has persisted for far too long. Senior citizens without medical insurance is grossly unacceptable!! And we as citizens need to become a “thorn in the government’s side” on this particular issue.
Having said that; Ms. Moxey does need to understand and accept that it is not the responsibility of the general public to donate monetary aid to Mr. Moxey. For the most part, average Bahamians are doing their best to cover their own medical co-pays. Expressing disappointment in those unwilling or unable to render financial assistance just because of her father’s popularity is totally unfair to the general public. For the most part, we are all responsible for ourselves and our own personal well-being in this life.
This is the kind of nonsense that irritates readers whenever people like you make foolish assumptions while simultaneously spreading rumors. His daughter clearly stated in the article that he has Cardiovascular Disease, which has possibly led to a secondary condition known as Peripheral Vascular Disease. Furthermore, any number of heart related diseases such as Congestive Heart Failure or Atrial Fibrillation can lead to blood clots within the peripheral extremities. Who said anything about COVID?
His family mentioned nothing about COVID-19 nor any vaccine related complications. Please stop the nonsense and give the readers something tangible to read rather than hyperbole and propaganda.
Mr. Sands. The healthcare delivery system in the entire Bahamas is prehistoric; not just the family islands. In the past half century the Bahamas hasn’t build one level 1 trauma center or urgent care facility capable of delivering modern medicine; not one! Can you imagine?
@bahamianson LOL. I was just thinking the same thing! LOL. Most healthcare facilities equipped with “cutting edge” diagnostic equipment rely on a dependable electrical grid, not to mention sophisticated software. Our country couldn’t even operate distance computerized learning during the pandemic nor extinguish a dump fire a few years back. There is nothing “cutting-edge” in the Bahamas except murder, corruption, and poverty. Furthermore, an Urgent Care facility equipped with minimally invasive procedures such as an Angiogtam or an Angioplasty is not considered cutting-edge. They are actually pretty standard forms of secondary and tertiary treatment.
But what makes me laugh is the “medical tourism” claim!! Can you imagine a tourist coming to the Bahamas for cardiac intervention??? A country that doesn’t even have adequate crash-carts or ventilators available??? Who would sign that consent form??? What are the laws regarding negligence, causation, foreseeability, damages and malpractice??? What happens in the case of a law suit, and who will conduct the hearing??? Do we even have a Board of Medicine that regulates proper medical practices?? And if so, when was the last public hearing??? BOL. This is nothing more than a group of doctors seeking to enhance their riches by baiting ignorant unsuspecting travelers into waisting their time and money.
Brain surgery to remove a blood clot??? Why not just use a thrombolytic agent such as tPA or alteplase??? Brain surgery is usually only required to address hemorrhagic strokes. This must be fake news.
Mr. Pintard! Don’t be a Mr. Retard! The Bahamian people don’t want anymore debates! We need direct action that results in economic relief! The last thing we need is more hot air coming out of your mouth. When it comes to y’all politicians it’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between a fart and a speech.
@John….. Listen you idiot. We don’t care what’s going on in the U.S. The bottom line is that we have a crisis within our own country that successive governments have been unable to contain. Our borders are unsecured and our authorities have loss control of our streets allowing criminals and murderers to conduct self-motivated executions as they see fit. That blame falls directly on our government!
Be careful Mr. Ingraham. Transischemic attacks are usually the first warning sign of an impending cerebral vascular accident. And it doesn’t matter how you feel. Ischemic strokes are silent killers! My advice….. put down the cigars, white rum, and lose some weight. Your cardiovascular system will thank you.
Cobalt says...
Im sure Brave a crew will try to have him pay VAT.
On Bahamian wins $20m Florida Lottery
Posted 18 November 2024, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal
Cobalt says...
It’s really heartbreaking to see how our healthcare delivery system continues to fail the Bahamian people. Senior citizens without adequate medical insurance should not be an option in the modern world. And while this issue does present many complex difficulties, it is however the government’s responsibility to provide practical solutions. I am by no means demanding perfection as I am consciously aware of how expensive healthcare can be. But the government does need to bridge this gap that has persisted for far too long. Senior citizens without medical insurance is grossly unacceptable!! And we as citizens need to become a “thorn in the government’s side” on this particular issue.
Having said that; Ms. Moxey does need to understand and accept that it is not the responsibility of the general public to donate monetary aid to Mr. Moxey. For the most part, average Bahamians are doing their best to cover their own medical co-pays. Expressing disappointment in those unwilling or unable to render financial assistance just because of her father’s popularity is totally unfair to the general public. For the most part, we are all responsible for ourselves and our own personal well-being in this life.
On Fundraiser looks to raise $40k for Bahamian singer Elon Moxey
Posted 18 November 2024, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal
Cobalt says...
This is the kind of nonsense that irritates readers whenever people like you make foolish assumptions while simultaneously spreading rumors. His daughter clearly stated in the article that he has Cardiovascular Disease, which has possibly led to a secondary condition known as Peripheral Vascular Disease. Furthermore, any number of heart related diseases such as Congestive Heart Failure or Atrial Fibrillation can lead to blood clots within the peripheral extremities. Who said anything about COVID?
His family mentioned nothing about COVID-19 nor any vaccine related complications. Please stop the nonsense and give the readers something tangible to read rather than hyperbole and propaganda.
On Fundraiser looks to raise $40k for Bahamian singer Elon Moxey
Posted 18 November 2024, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal
Cobalt says...
Mr. Sands.
The healthcare delivery system in the entire Bahamas is prehistoric; not just the family islands. In the past half century the Bahamas hasn’t build one level 1 trauma center or urgent care facility capable of delivering modern medicine; not one! Can you imagine?
A failed government for a failed people. Smh.
On Sands calls Family Islands healthcare 'prehistoric'
Posted 4 November 2024, 7:27 p.m. Suggest removal
Cobalt says...
@bahamianson LOL. I was just thinking the same thing! LOL. Most healthcare facilities equipped with “cutting edge” diagnostic equipment rely on a dependable electrical grid, not to mention sophisticated software. Our country couldn’t even operate distance computerized learning during the pandemic nor extinguish a dump fire a few years back. There is nothing “cutting-edge” in the Bahamas except murder, corruption, and poverty. Furthermore, an Urgent Care facility equipped with minimally invasive procedures such as an Angiogtam or an Angioplasty is not considered cutting-edge. They are actually pretty standard forms of secondary and tertiary treatment.
But what makes me laugh is the “medical tourism” claim!! Can you imagine a tourist coming to the Bahamas for cardiac intervention??? A country that doesn’t even have adequate crash-carts or ventilators available??? Who would sign that consent form??? What are the laws regarding negligence, causation, foreseeability, damages and malpractice??? What happens in the case of a law suit, and who will conduct the hearing??? Do we even have a Board of Medicine that regulates proper medical practices?? And if so, when was the last public hearing??? BOL.
This is nothing more than a group of doctors seeking to enhance their riches by baiting ignorant unsuspecting travelers into waisting their time and money.
On Hospital’s ‘cutting edge’ growth set to enhance medical tourism
Posted 11 September 2024, 11:43 p.m. Suggest removal
Cobalt says...
Brain surgery to remove a blood clot??? Why not just use a thrombolytic agent such as tPA or alteplase??? Brain surgery is usually only required to address hemorrhagic strokes. This must be fake news.
On Ingraham 'recovering well' after brain surgery to remove blood clot
Posted 21 June 2024, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal
Cobalt says...
Mr. Pintard! Don’t be a Mr. Retard!
The Bahamian people don’t want anymore debates! We need direct action that results in economic relief! The last thing we need is more hot air coming out of your mouth. When it comes to y’all politicians it’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between a fart and a speech.
On Pintard says he would participate in a debate ahead of general election
Posted 21 June 2024, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal
Cobalt says...
@John….. Listen you idiot. We don’t care what’s going on in the U.S. The bottom line is that we have a crisis within our own country that successive governments have been unable to contain. Our borders are unsecured and our authorities have loss control of our streets allowing criminals and murderers to conduct self-motivated executions as they see fit. That blame falls directly on our government!
On Family shock over Father’s Day death
Posted 21 June 2024, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal
Cobalt says...
Be careful Mr. Ingraham. Transischemic attacks are usually the first warning sign of an impending cerebral vascular accident. And it doesn’t matter how you feel. Ischemic strokes are silent killers! My advice….. put down the cigars, white rum, and lose some weight. Your cardiovascular system will thank you.
On Ingraham released, says he ‘feels good’
Posted 21 June 2024, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal
Cobalt says...
@AnObserver…… LOL. I was thinking the same thing!
On Exports 'steady' despite 44% drop, insists Griffin
Posted 21 June 2024, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal