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DillyTree says...

As the poster above states, BA isn't doing us any favours. They are phasing the 767 out across their fleet. The next suitable plane is a 777, and most of those are even older than the 767s they've been using on the Nassau route. Broken seats, wonky tvs, strange rattles, and the least appealing aircraft they can come up with. And with the "new" aircraft, we now get only 4 days service, instead of the current 5. I'm not convinced this is an improvement.

But I am heartened to hear that Virgin Atlantic is interested in resuming service to the Bahamas. Competition will keep fares in check and I've always been a fan of VA, so welcome them back!

DillyTree says...

Nothing at all to be proud of. In 43 years, we've largely managed to destroy this country.

We were better off 43 years ago than we are today. 0% unemployment -- in fact, we had overemployment, something we've never had since.

People were safe in their homes, kids could play in the street, people looked after each other and there was civility.

Lady SLOP bears blame in this catastrophe - so how dare she ask Bahamians to reflect on their lot 43 years after the tyranny and corruption her husband ushered into our modern Bahamas. Shame on you! ,

DillyTree says...

When Fweddy is criticised, he goes batshit crazy, but when he's got to explain why his ministry is performing so poorly, he's got lots of excuses. This isn't an old issue, but it's being used as an excuse for far too long.

If it's the equipment, what can't we get new equipment? The government seems to have enough money to waste on Carnival and other stupidity.

If it's the employees who aren't trained properly to use the machines or to process passport applications, then get them trained. Send 5 people away to be trained properly. And while you're at it, send 2 more to learn how to service the machines when they break down.

For goodness sakes, Fweddy, get your act together and do something useful for a change.

DillyTree says...

Waaa waaaa.waaaa

What a baby. Go cry to river to someone that cares. It's not like Renward is clean enough to throw stones. He's got some 'splainin' to do -- some of us haven't forgotten.

DillyTree says...

In 45 years, majority rule has managed to both morally and economically bankrupt the Bahamas.

What have we to show for it -- much less celebrate?

DillyTree says...

Minnis has money -- let him pay for it if he's so sure of his leadership abilities.

If Minnis loses at the convention, campaign money will miraculously start appearing. Mark my words!

No one wants to fund a losing proposition. With Minnis gone, there's hope.

On FNM struggle to fund convention

Posted 28 June 2016, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

These anonymous polls don't really mean much -- just more stirring of the pot. Will all the out island delegates be included this time, or just the ones that support Minnis? Who will pay for the delegates to come to Nassau for the convention? Who are all the delegates, and what are their qualifications? Do they represent voices within their own communities, or have they been otherwise influenced for their support? Is there a public listing of all the delegates? So many damn questions and so few answers.

DillyTree says...

Why should these deadbeats be given a free ride?

What about the rest of us who pay our bills? Will we get a discount too?

And I say that if these people get their accounts written off for free, and if they accept those terms, their names will be printed in the paper. If they choose not to have their names in the papers, then they must make arrangements to pay their balance off within 90 days. Accounts not paid off in 90 days will be printed in the paper.

I wonder how many of these accounts will not be people on hard times, but in fact, people like Dame Marguerite who just don't like paying their bills until their brazenness is made public for all to see. Remember how quickly her taxes were paid once the story hit the papers!

DillyTree says...

Methinks the CDB has more sense than anyone in this dealing.

COB is a disaster at the college level. How about fixing that before trying to become a university? If this is the best we can do, then we really shouldn't have even a College of the Bahamas.

D- pigeons coming home to roost....

DillyTree says...

Sheeprunner, I certainly do know what an MP is supposed to do, and Minnis isn't doing it -- as aren't many MPs. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that most MPs aren't doing their jobs properly. It's become a far different role, apparently, than what an MP's role should be. We've lost our way!

And yes, I do think LBT is a far better MP than Minnis. I would happily have LBT as my MP. At this point, I'd rather have my cat as MP instead of Minnis. Does that answer your question?

On Minnis: I’ll win leadership fight

Posted 22 June 2016, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal