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GQ says...

Talking with a fellow from one of the family islands where there is a huge Haitian community and he told me he was offered any kind of gun he wanted from sawed off shotguns to automatic assault rifles. He said they come in through the port where customs officers examine and do the clearing all for a price.
Mr. Police Commissioner and Mr. Head of customs you need to check these ports and your employees.

On Three dead, two injured in shootings

Posted 1 January 2014, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Finally one magistrate is sending a message to the foreigners.
Thank you.

On Dominicans fined $96,000 for poaching offences

Posted 31 December 2013, 6:37 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

National I.D's would be a good thing but those crooks who work in each and every government department will be selling them within 2 weeks after it is implemented.
Why prosecute persons who hire the illegals instead of shipping their asses back to the country from which they came, but then again as I posted recently one illegal Haitian sent back home was back here in the Bahamas within six months on a three month visa. He will not go back until he is caught again. Crooks even in our embassies overseas. Minister Mitchell get your personal ministry in order before spouting off about other problems in this country.

GQ says...

I am told by someone in Abaco that this boy/man has been a terror to his family and the community even before he was a teenager. He has fathered a number of children among the illegal residents of the Mud and Pigeon Pea community. He is from a mixed race and his mother's family have tried to assist the illegitimate children, unfortunately their resources are very limited. It is believed that his father maybe deceased.
All of the residents of Marsh Harbour and surrounding communities are outraged that a man would do something like this to anyone much less a one year old child.
I think the judge must have heard that the family of the child was looking for him and sending him to Fox Hill Prison saved somebody from getting into greater trouble. Also the baby's father is is Fox Hill and the jailer should be sure to keep them separated.

On Accused of beating baby

Posted 20 December 2013, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

The proverbial has not hit the fan yet, wait until 2014 when the new tax begins. Successive governments have borrowed more than the country can afford to repay. This was mainly done to ensure political cronies were taken care of by giving contracts and expanding the civil service which is the same as buying votes.

Next Christmas will be a dismal one for this nation.

On Salvation Army’s worst Christmas

Posted 15 December 2013, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

The story is told of a Haitian who was caught in a family island some time last year and deported because he was assistng illegals coming into the island. Recently he arrived back on the island and said that he got a temporary visa in Haiti and flew into Nassau.
This is how the system works.

On Motorists stopped by Immigration road blocks

Posted 11 December 2013, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Now Tal does not want to scare away the tourist dollars and wants the media to hush hush the story. I am sure he was quite happy during the last election campaign when the PLP posted signs all around town about murders being committed in Nassau.

Tal it is funny when the shoe goes on the other foot how people like YOU act. Think of the many families who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Criminals don't wear any particular colour shirts and don't care who they harm.

I am thankful for The DPM and his wife that they were not injured. Can you imagine if they had been killed what a message this would have sent around the world?

Crime in this country is not just a plp/fnm/dna/Black/White problem it is something that we all face each day and it will take ALL of us fighting to bring it under control. Politicians on all sides of the political divide need to get their act together and stop posturing when they are in Parliament and on TV blaming each other.


Posted 9 December 2013, 8:57 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

How could Mr. Christie state that he does not know what Mr. Miller said? This typical of his adminstration one minister does not know what the other says or does. I guess he is again too tired to know.
Mr. Miller has shown that he cares more about BEC and the owners, The Bahamian People than Mr. Christie. Now may be the time for them to switch places in the cabinet.
How long Oh Lord how long must the Bahamian people put up with total incompetence?


Posted 6 December 2013, 10:30 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Same teachers who snuggled up to the PLP in last years election is now ready to strike for justifiable reasons?
From PGC and his "Golden Knights" this is the thanks you get!

On Gibson: Teachers can’t go on strike

Posted 4 December 2013, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

This lady should be working for BEC where the PM has said it is O.K. to double dip. She could be getting her regular pay and National Insurance as well.