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GQ says...

I have been informed the real reason the Airport Terminal at "The Leonard M. Thompson International Airport" in Marsh Harbour Abaco has not been opened is due to the fact that the government has not made payments to FES Construction that are due and they will not surrender the keys until they are paid. Enough of the bull s..t from the government, pay FES and open this building.
Further, I am told that when a certain client has guests they are cleared through the new terminal. I have no reason to doubt this and it is a shame and disgrace that other visitors have to put up with the dirty, messy outdated facility while one sits idle.

GQ says...

Tarzan, If it was God's purpose to create in an instant He could have done so, if it took billions of years what is the difference? The mere fact that HE created this universe from nothing is amazing.

On 'Victory for all employers'

Posted 28 November 2013, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I heard about a labor tribunal ruling that a company had to pay an employee for vacation for which an endorsed check was produced which had a note on the face of the check that stated it was for vacation.
These tribunals are loaded with jackasses appointed by jackass politicians who have no idea how to run a business.
My advice to any employer is pay the employee and forget about tribunals as they will only frustrate you because you have lost any decision before you go before them.
Too many lawyers (liars) in parliament who have no concept on how to honestly run a business.

On 'Victory for all employers'

Posted 27 November 2013, 9:47 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Your Headlines "Bahamians dont understand VAT." these should have read "government dont understand business." Politicians the world over only understand TAX, TAX and more TAX.
It is said that politicians spend like drunken sailors but this is not accurate because a druken sailor can only spend until HIS money has been depleted then he faces the consequences of drinking i.e. "a terrible hangover." The Bahamian politicians past and present continue to waste tax payers money and are burdening future generations with their incomptence. I qualify as a senior citizen and I feel sorry for the generations who will carry a burden for these incompetent idiots who govern us.

On 'Bahamians don't understand VAT'

Posted 14 November 2013, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I did not think Perry was a dictator like Hubert but since they are both progeges of LOP they must think they can do no wrong. I urge Mr. Rollins to vote his conscience and let the chips fall where they may. It is high time for elected members to have what is the best for the country in mind when voting and not some soon to disappear leader of a party. As for Key he has always been a puppet and a PLP and should walk across the aisle and join his colleagues.

GQ says...

If the country's politicians past and present had not wasted so much of the revenue in so many ways we would not be in the mess we are in today.

Remember the old calypso song, "If I had listen to what mama say I would not be a mess today."

Politicians are like dirty diapers, Always full of s..t, stuck on your a.. and need to be changed often. But, then again you only change one set of incompetent nincompoops for another who are just as bad.

GQ says...

Sir Etienne often wrote, "A people get the government they deserve." North Abaco and the rest of the Bahamas who voted PLP in the last election that statement applies to YOU!

On Abaco lodge 'was standing site of loyalists'

Posted 3 November 2013, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

I never read so much BS coming from someone who is supposed to be intelligent and educated. Abaco needs this terminal open NOW and whatever needs to be done about air space can wait.
The current government (PLP) is blowing more smoke up the backsides of anyone who will believe this crap that the minister is saying. There has to be other reasons why they are not opening the terminal.
I recently heard that they are sending OLD damaged furniture from LPIA to put in this new building if this is true I hope that it never arrives. This is a disgrace to Abaco. I wonder what the MP's for Abaco will have to say about this slap in the faces of Abaco.
More lies to come from the PLP I am sure.

On No opening for Marsh Harbour Airport this year

Posted 25 October 2013, 10:48 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

It's funny how the new terminal can be opened to accomondate SOME of our guests going to a private development (I have no problem with this) but our other just as important visitors have to stand/sit/crouch in a filth hole of a building.

When the politicians come they are whisked right off the aircraft parking ramp and don't have to endure the embarassment that we Abaconians do.

Bahamians and Abaconians in particular should now be used to the blame game the PLP and FNM play. They are like a football team, when one is on offense (Government) the other is on defense (oppositioon) and all they do is blame the other side instead of trying to help the people of this nation. Ingraham caused the FNM to lose the last election when he constantly blasted his one time friend Christie instead of trying to fix the problem.

The Abaco terminal will not be finished until the PLP can ensure that some of their cronies are given lucrative contracts to help fill their coffers for the next election....and so the Bahamas suffers.

On Marsh Harbour Airport incomplete

Posted 27 September 2013, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

As a long tme supporter of the FNM and fomer Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham I believe it is time for him, the leader of he defunct DNA and the current leader of the PLP to move off the political scene along with all the old retreads in their parties

On DNA leader calls on Ingraham to apologise

Posted 20 August 2013, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal