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GQ says...

Send all illegals back to their own land. p e r i o d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GQ says...

If we (The Bahamas Government) in future send back illegal aliens to their homeland as was just done this would be the end of them trying to get to the US via our country.
Now it is time to do the same to the Jamaicans, Haitians and anyone else, Oh dont forget their illegal offspring when you are loading the boats.

On Mitchell denies any admission over abuse

Posted 19 August 2013, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Illegals are illegals, now it is time for the Hitians, Jamaicans and any other nationalities along with their offspring back to their homeland.

On Cuban nationals repatriated to Havana

Posted 16 August 2013, 8:29 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Why has David Thompson done what no one from Abaco has? Does Abaconians have less respect for their MP? Did he please any of them the past six years? During the last election campaign there were signs saying that Mr. Key should be running for North Andros. Is there any truth that HAI forced him down the throats of South Central Abaco? Abaconians must have changed or maybe the feisty ones are all dead and the younger ones have no guts.
I predict that Mr. Key will get his BAIC job and change his side of the house. "A leopard cannot change his spots!"

On Grand Bahama FNM chief backs Edison Key

Posted 15 August 2013, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

FYI: Edison Key did not win his seat in ABACO it was won by of the best organization in any constituency in the Bahamas.

Tal you need to get your head from up your rear end when you talk about ABACO.

GQ says...

The best idea is to ship all illegal aliens including Haitians, Jamaicans and any others along with their offspring back to the countries from whence they came, this would immediately open jobs and reduce costs of feeding housing and medical expenses for the country.

On Cuban protests against Bahamas intensify

Posted 10 August 2013, 7:49 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

If I had to make the call I would send ALL and I mean ALL illegals along with their illegal offspring back to the country from which they came. period.
Let the Miami Cuban Mafia deal with Castro and the Jamaicans, Haitians and any others do the same.

GQ says...

I would hope the FNM has in their bylaws some measure to "Kick Key Out." Maybe Abaco should start a petition to "kick the rascal out!' i believe the FNM's election slogan at one time was "Kick the rascals out!"

Come on Abaco you were once known as a no nonsense group, now is the time to put fire in your bellies and demand Key WALTZ or resign.


Posted 8 August 2013, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Edison Key is the ultimate opportunist. He will kiss whoever's backside to get what he wants. One report today says he is getting a eighty thousand dollar a year job (now Tal you know he could cut you in for a little of that). Used to be said in Abaco that he should run for Andros since that is all he talked about.

Mr. Key, if there is any honor left in you why don't you waltz across the floor in Parliament and wear the yellow shirt because many believe your complexion inside and out never looked good in RED.


Posted 8 August 2013, 7:01 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Perry bought Edison without balls and a chicken gizzard for a heart. This man should never go back to the good people of Abaco. He is a disgrace to those hard working decent people. I hope Minnis and the FNM ship him back to Perry and the PLP.

On VIDEO: Loretta's warning for cops

Posted 7 August 2013, 11:56 p.m. Suggest removal