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GQ says...

Edison Key has cooked his goose. He never was a FNM all he ever wanted was to be in Parliament as a member of the government. He does not have the balls to be in opposition. The bombs which he was to drop on Mr. Christie, Gary Sawyer, Michael Albury and Obie Wilchcombe must have been duds. I suppose he was sore that he did not get cut in the deals which he supposedly had the inside scoop on back in 2002/2003.
Former Prime Minister Ingraham foisted Mr. Key on the FNM's of Abaco twice and most of the hierarchy of the local branch was and continues to be opposed to Key representing them and are often heard wishing that he would just walk across the aisle where his heart is. Now Mr. Key can take his payoff by openly admitting that he has been or will soon be "a consultant" to BAIC. Talk about "dog going back to his vomit." Oh I forgot that is what Mr. Christie did when he and Mr. Ingraham was thrown out of the PLP. Key said at the FNM convention when he joined referring to his and Mr. Ingraham's relationship, "What has been will be again." True to form he is back to the PLP from which he came. For the Good People of Abaco I say "good riddance."

On VIDEO: Loretta's warning for cops

Posted 7 August 2013, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

The unfortunate thing we have in the country is persons running (really ruining) our Bahamas who have never managed even a lemonade stand. They just plain do not understand what it takes to be successful in business.
They are masters in shooting the b...s.... at election time and we as voters swallow it all hook line and sinker.
When we have another election will be be smart or dumb as usual?
march on bahamaland.

GQ says...

Tal Russell displays his ignorance by making light of a serious matter where another person almost lost their life, well what more "Don't expect any more from a hog than a grunt!"

On DPM: No one safe

Posted 26 June 2013, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Prior to last year's election the present government (PLP) was almost rejoicing in the amount of crime going on in The Bahamas to the point of erecting campaign posters critizing the FNM about it. Now that it is close to home when The DPM's bodyguard is shot and he is calling for the country to collectively fight this scourge. I agree that we must all fight crime in our land because crime does not belong to either party. I hope that the present government has learned their lesson and will in future not rejoice in someone else downfall.
Happy to hear that the officer will be O.K. and I wish to thank all of the police who put their lives on the line each day.

On DPM: No one safe

Posted 26 June 2013, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Add to this why are we renting the old post office location in Marsh Harbour while the new post office in the administation building is vacant?

GQ says...

What Mr. Gottlieb stated is right on cue. By your comments I can determine that you are an outsider to Abaco and do not want to deal with the issues but try to put the blame on the families of which I am proud to be who have made Abaco what it is today.
Your intelligence is questioned when you advocate that that we treat our guests, the lifeblood
of our island in such a rude manner. There is no reason why these people should be inconvenienced because our government past and present did not care about us.
My belief is that the former Prime Minister does not like the white community of Marsh Harbour and the current one has stated that Abaco has had more than their share.
You refer to idiots and I am certain that you refer to youself and not the industrious Abaconian whether black, red or white.

GQ says...

I witnessed a snub by the FNM party leader on Monday evening in Dundas Town of an original fnm and Merttorious Council Member. I later said something to the person who said something to the effect that this must be the style of the new leader..... and so it goes moving on.

On Ingraham should stay in House

Posted 18 July 2012, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Bahamas customs is the most inefficient government agency in the Bahamas except when they are serving a "hacker customs officer." i have heart horror stories of how entries submitted by "Licensed Brokers" take a week or more to process. The Minister of Finance should look into why hundreds of thousands of dollars are not expeditiously being put into the public treasury. Word on the street is these "hackers" also take out some of their "friends" invoices so that they dont have to pay duty on these.

On Customs inefficiency costing Gov't $66m

Posted 17 July 2012, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Mrs. Deputy Leader:

One of the first things this party needs to do is give favourable consideration to their supporters and not ignore them as has been done in the past. I could name names and incidents where FNM's were totally ignored and others benefitted.

GQ says...

No Government in this country should be in any business which private enterprise can perform. Over the years the PLP and the FNM have used government corporations and agencies to feather the nest of their political cronies.

"I have a dream" that the day will come when.......

Bahamasair, BEC, Water & Sewerage and any other public corporation will be sold to the highest bidder because I firmly believe even if rates are increased it will cost The Bahamian Tax Payer less than we are now paying.

"I just woke up, that was a nightmare."

Mr. Christie keep your hands off BTC and let the professionals bring it into the 21st. century.
There will be growing pains but they can deal with them better than you or Mr. Ingraham or anyone else.

On [img/photos/2012/06/19/btc_poll_.jpg]

Posted 19 June 2012, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal